4am Early Birds flying to Hai Van Pass, Da Nang

It is the weekend now.
The weather is predicted to be sunny tomorrow
Do you hear the sound of nature calling us to come to catch their beauty?


A little voice always calls me whenever it is sunny. I am so happy to see the sun rising every time. Because I know that it is the time when everything shows its best beauty, especially in the early morning. The last few days of rainy make me hungry to go out to explore whenever I have a little chance. Have you had that feeling when you are inside too long?
Today is that day and Hai Van Pass is top of my list.

Now, Let's go with us.
These are what I experienced

1. Unforgettable sunrise
2. Hiking to the top of a hidden mountain
3. Enjoy the fog and beads of water on spiders' web
4. Back home and enjoy the long roads

1. Unforgettable sunrise

I planned with my friends to drive to Hai Van Pass at 10 pm the day before. It is winter in Da Nang and I was afraid that it would be no beautiful sunrise this time but I talked to myself that it was okay though because all I wanted was just to have fresh air. I enjoyed every moment, appreciate every moment in my life. During the 3 months of lockdown, I learned how to be grateful for every small thing such as the sound of birds at a neighbor's home or going for a short walk through alleys to get food. I was so excited then cannot sleep until 11:30 pm though I knew I needed to get some sleep. My alarm rang at 3:30 am and I immediately woke up, and prepared things fast as much as I can not to be late. If I went alone, I might make myself lazy and relax then back to sleep until 6 am. My excitement made me really awake. We went out when everyone still was sleeping. It was so silent and I enjoy the fresh air. Especially today I saw the Waxing Crescent Moon. If you are the Moon lover, you might also feel like me, so relax. Since I was a kid, I have watched Moon every month. It looks not much different but to me, It is always new and heals my soul. More than that, It was so beautiful of sunrise with full of colors. It made my heart stop beating a few seconds to watch it. I knew that my efforts to wake up early were worth it.


2.Hiking to the top of a hidden mountain

I have been in Da Nang, Viet Nam for over 2 years but today was the first time I could find raspberries. I was looking for it too long and now it naturally came to me. I was so excited, then I picked some to eat. It looked so good, small, cute, red, and just slightly sweet. The sun was coming up and I knew this time was the perfect time to shoot some photos. This beautiful sunlight might just last around 10-15 minutes so I needed to be fast and enjoy at the same time. We found this beautiful places to camp if having any chances in the future, which is very clean, quiet and seems no one here. By the way, do you love raspberry like me?




3.Enjoy the fog and beads of water on spiders' web

We walked up for around 20 minutes and we could see the fog now everywhere. It passed through my face, even I thought I could touch it. It was flying as the cloud. I was like lost in heaven.



I looked closer at the flowers and I was so surprised that I saw the web hanging between the grass and on top of it having a lot of beads of water. I was reading the book "Charlotte's Web" you might know this famous kid book and my imagination was bloomed. I imagined it would have a spider weaving a name or a word on it such as "radiant" or "terrific". Oh, my mind was wandering so far and high now. I need to let my mind not fly too far sometimes.
This web stole my heart and I watched it for a few minutes.



Apart from the beauty of a spider's web, I also found gorgeous wildflowers. It looked so fantastic in the early morning. It had a little water on it and shone in the sunlight as small diamonds.
I have a strong connection with these flowers or some grasses because they are strong, have unique colors and shapes, and are created to be a beautiful part in nature.




I heard the sound of birds and small insects around. Mommy birds seem ready to go out to find food for their kids and remind kids to stay safe at the nest. Life begins in the new day.
I kept exploring to find some new wildflowers but I think this flower will be voted to be the "Queen" for today.


4.Back home and enjoy the long roads

The sun was high and it is time to come home. I started to go at 4 am and be back at around 7 am. I experienced many things and it was still early. I drove up to the top and now just let it go down automatically. I even did not need to turn on the engine. This is the cool thing in Hai Van Pass. The marvelous mountains are along the way and I really enjoyed the long roads and was grateful for everything today.
This is my short trip for today. Hope you enjoy my little stories with a cup of coffee and tea on the weekend.

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Thank you for reading my posts and hope you have a great weekend!


seems to me that you are a person of mountains too. Agree with you that nothing can beat the beauty of an early morning on the grass under trees. I like the way you admire every little thing like a web and honor every moment. It's the best way to be happy, I believe. Thank you for your post.

Thank you for reading my little stories @annvu. It is so lovely comment. I really love being in nature.

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Wow, it's so beautiful in early morning. I never go there so early like that. I should try soon.

Yes, anh oi. That was the first time I went there so early like that. I was so surprised to see beautiful nature this time.

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Thấy ảnh bạn đăng lại nhớ rừng ý 😍😍😍

Đúng rồi, đợi trời nắng là mk lại vào rừng chơi thui

Ai cũng đợi nắng hết luôn ớ 😂

Wow es hermoso despertar ante tanta bellesa, gracias por compartir, te dejo mi voto y te sigo, saludos.

Thank you so much for reading my post

wow những tấm ảnh tuyệt vời, nhìn trời có vẻ ấm áp nhỉ .

Cảm ơn anh. Hôm em đi may mắn được ngày đẹp, trời đẹp.

It's a beautiful post, Linh. I rode to Hai Van Pass a few years ago but never in the early morning like you. Great photos and a great morning.

Wow. You rode to Hai Van Pass. This is so great. You are so cool.

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Wow, I love Nature!
Natural environments can stimulate the senses, providing new and fresh scents, a beautiful array of colours to see, a range of textures to touch and a host of calming sounds😚
Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for reading my post. I love nature too. I hope i could see your experiences in nature as well.