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RE: Clowning around

Ah shucks, thanks! Actually, one of my boyfriends used to call me pixie person. I rebuffed the advances of many a suitor but your invitation I would certainly have accepted. I loved tough men and a man with a gun, well...


People tend to not look well enough, to allow one single aspect of someone they see cloud their judgement, and so miss out on opportunities for relationships that could well have been valuable; it's a very superficial world we live in. I like to believe I have a greater ability to see a little more clearly when I look and I reckon I've done better for it. So, in you I see a pixie (from these photos at least) and that isn't a bad thing; I'm not the only one it seems so there's at least two enlightened chaps out there at least.

Thanks, for what I'll take as compliments.