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RE: Oh no, he left not to return

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Hey there, thanks for the tour of your nightstand.

You know, when I did this particular question I didn't expect anyone to answer it, but it's been quite popular and I think that's really cool.

On the intimate apparel thing...I'm not a girl so don't know exactly what feel a woman gets from such clothing although I believe it makes a woman feel more womanly, more confident maybe? (Knowing what they have on underneath.) I don't really know, just surmising.

I am a man though, and can confidently say that it's legit. I mean, all that thin, see through, filmy, stringy stuff that doesn't cover much at all. Just being honest. 😃

I really appreciate this post, not just for you taking the time to do it, but to lay it out so well, take so much care with its presentation, and of course, the content.


Nightstands hold part of our intimacy, not everyone is willing to be so open but I'm glad you dared, I've read several of the posts.
You described very well what we women can feel with a good intimate apparel , it generates security and confidence even if in the end it ends up on the floor.(In some cases).
That's why I miss that brand, if they were to come back I would run to the first store I found to buy again.
Thank you very much for your comment, I love this community and the truth these engagements are great, I don't know where the ideas come from, but I admire the creativity every week.

It's good to have you here and I hope you'll come back again.

Also...on the floor. Yes, that happens huh? 😀

We will read each other often.
Yes, on the floor or wherever it falls 😂
