
With some racing stripes! Because then you know you in the big leagues!

I'm not actually a trail runner, I actually don't enjoy it at all. I always feel like ima fall on my face and look down at my feet the entire time. Road is more my thing, I have more control. I do enjoy walking the trails though, love hiking. But prefer to hike in trail shoes as opposed to hiking boots. And will maybe run if a nice flat stretch presents itself. Sooo Wiley, you can just call me Road Runner!

I'm a hiker, and do a lot of that. Running...well I run late a lot. Ok, that's a lie, I'm never late, that's one of my major pet hates actually, so I work hard not to be.

Anyway, there was a time when I ran a lot but those days are over, I guess I just don't enjoy it although I know many do. I'll take hiking in some remote place over running anyway.

Give me an update on the mobility scooter and then... #hostagescenario #ransom #food

Love hiking too! We lucky to have lots of beautiful trails here in Cape Town..spoiled for choice! Hhahhaah I'm always running late, tis the story of my life.

I have this love hate relationship with running. I enjoy it bit also loathe myself while I'm doing it, as in the bad eating that's making the run go slow. But I'm in training. Want to feel like. A Little machine again that just goes and goes. I guess age though... You can come along in your mobility scooter and motivate me like Mickey, I will be Rocky of course! Adriaaaaan! Sorry I tend to get carried away some time.

I'm not sure my roast chicken is super great but I know where to order a tasty tikka chicken! Mmmmmm

What a coincidence, I also have a love/hate relationship with running. I love to see anyone other than me doing it, and I hate doing it myself. It's a nicely balanced relationship. Lol.

I'd be happy to follow after you on my mobility scooter and a megaphone yelling, come on you can do it, no slacking now, go, go, goooooooooo!

Such motivational words.

Lock in the tikka chicken. Good kidnapping food!

Seriously though, I run also, for training purposes and understand the machine comment. I have a small plantar fasciitis issue currently, but running/hiking through it. Good luck with your running and don't run through any bad areas in CT, I understand that could be detrimental to your health.

Lol this is pretty motivational. I'd expected more hurtful things like run fatty run and do it for your butt! With a side of his are you going to loose weight at this pace. This is usually how I motivate myself! I used to stay literally on the best running spot in CT, for about 11 years! Moved mid last year and miss it terribly. Now I'm down to boring suburbs with watching my back if it's too quiet. Mind you it wouldn't be smart not to be aware when you running in any place here. Cape makes for good street smart skills.

Plantar fascitis sounds like it needs to be removed! Pretty unlucky and prob gonna set you back in training etc! Is it very painful!? If so maybe slap some tikka chicken masala in the eye, will definitely help you forget about the pain while you running!

Yeah, I've heard a few unsavoury things about CT so some situational awareness is certainly needed. It's slthe same in most places I guess but some are worse than others.

Plantar fasciitis is pretty painful, right in the heel of the foot. It's an inflammatory condition and treatment is pretty painful, but usually effective. I have an ultrasound coming up soon and some treatment which I'm looking forward to and not, you know? I had the same thing in my left foot a few years ago, for 18 months. Had ultrasound cortisone injections deep into my heel which worked but only to mask the pain. Treatment is usually required which is why this time I'm getting on top of it quickly.

I've heard about that tikka chicken masala in eye treatment and will definitely be applying that in conjunction with more traditional treatments...Might as well hit it with the double whammy right?

Also, seems I'll have to up my motivational megaphone game, I'll come up with something.

Ag there are parts that suck and parts that are really beautiful. Our gov is going to the dogs as well and sometimes it feels a bit hopeless. But fortunately I still have it better than most. And there is so much beauty and enjoyment in this little coastal city. Very hard to find a place talhat can compare. 8f you grow up being street smart, it's like second nature. And I have lots of friends and family who have loved, but they always come back and say the same thing, it's hard to get this elsewhere.

Tourist visit and do some crazy shit though. Like this dude left his kid in the pram and went running after his other kid on the jungle gym. In a busy beach area. Chances are nothing would happen, but nobody is watching your kid and shit could go down pretty fast. It's different if it was a chilled park, but not a busy beach front with so much foot traffic. I obvs told him to not do that here, and he was pretty shocked! Not sure how this would go down in Australia?

Good plan re Plantis. I know someone who had this and actually had to have it cut out! So ultrasounds, injections and tika treatments sound chilled. Good luck though. I hope it heals up fast and causes you minimal issues.

I tell you what, I'll take the first round following you on the scooter and show you how it's done!

This is a lot happening before the big showdown. And you seem like such a chilled person. Is this what Stockholm syndrome feels like? 🤔