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RE: Street Lottery Night | The New Fad in Venezuela

in Weekend Experiences • 3 years ago

Thanks, but there won't be a next time. I had enough gambling and crowd for a lifetime.
The whole things is very problematic. I don't approve it. I attended this time just to witness the whole thing first-hand.
The list of problems this generates is long.
I hope this does not last long.
Thanks for stopping by.


It won't last long, you'll see. This type of event causes unrest among the inhabitants of the community.

I read a comment in which they mention La Llanada, I have been around those parts. I hope you don't have problems with my uncles 🤭.

Be well!

 3 years ago  

Oh, boy.
I'll keep that in mind. It's been a while since I last visited La Llanada. Most barrios these days are potentially dangerous. The city as a whole is less scary than some years ago, but there's danger looming everywhere.
What people fear more these days is the complicity of the police

It appears that insecurity reigns in all states of the country. No one doubts the complicity of police agents. Unfortunately, it is an undeniable evil. Greetings!