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RE: Soul Food

Ah so wonderful to start the day with little chirping birds... the amazing sounds of nature :)

Excellent music too!

Man is an aesthetic being, capable of perceiving and appreciating beauty and intangible values. When animals build things, the process and resulting object serve a functional purpose. Animals do not create objects for the purpose of appreciation.

Did you know that in Spring some birds' brain change their structure? The area of the brain affected is the one related to the production of music, which in humans is also associated with language. The birds' songs become more complex. Females seem to perceive the quality of the song as an indicator of the males' overall fitness. They are attracted to unique foreign-sounding songs, and so males come up with new hits and sample from each other. What I find fascinating about humans is that we not only sing with the intent to attract a mate, but also to complain about our troubles, make a social or political statement, expand consciousnes, or just make each other laugh.


PS: I can’t vote, my voting power is blown.🤔
But I have to send songs
PS: don’t blame me, it’s been, a long....looooong day

PS: laugh, that’s all there is