A First-Timer's Ribfest Experience at Bell Park Sudbury

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago (edited)


Greetings to you my dear Hivers! How are you doing everyone? A new week means new content from me. I'll be telling you about my first experience at Bell Park Sudbury's RibFest.

Once upon a time, on a beautiful Saturday morning, my aunt invited me for an exciting outing at Bell Park. We were going to Ribfest with her lively group of Filipino (bisaya) friends. I was looking forward to a day filled with laughter, delicious food, and the stunning natural beauty of Bell Park.


Since the weather was nice and clear, my aunt decided to walk the 40 minutes from our house to the park. We crossed the iron bridge, which has a train railway running underneath it.


It's my first time seeing this neighbourhood, and I'll never get tired of gushing about how serene and well-kept everything is.

As we made our way to the park, I became more and more excited because we were surrounded by trees and I could see the lake from afar. I would love to come back here for a jog or a morning stroll.

The air was filled with festivalgoers' joyful chatter as we drew near the park. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow on the lush greenery and the peaceful lakes that surrounded us. The day promised to be perfect for an outdoor adventure.

Can you see how beautiful the place is? I was very excited for my first-ever Ribfest and my brother's second Ribfest on this lovely summer day, which also happened to be my birthday.

We came to this gazebo facing the lake, where we stopped so I could take a picture and see the view from up here.


I get butterflies in my stomach, and my heart starts thumping when I walk down paths like these.


We stopped by the old hospital's back, and from the back, it looked very colourful, so I wondered what the front looked like. However, looking at the broken windows makes it seem unsettling.

We're almost there, but I didn't notice how far it was since I was having so much fun. I also saw some squirrels, they are very cute.


The area offers lakeside water activities as well. I'd love to give that a shot in the future.

As we entered the festival grounds, the vibrant atmosphere captivated us. The sound of music blended with the laughter and chatter of fellow rib enthusiasts, creating an ambiance of pure festivity.

My brother, accompanied by his friend, decided to explore the festival on their own, while my aunt and I strolled through the rows of vendors, eyeing the mouthwatering varieties of foods and ribs on display. The aroma grew even more intoxicating as we got closer to the food stands, the savoury scent tempting our taste buds.


My aunt's friends found a cozy spot amidst the crowd, surrounded by tall trees and close to the shimmering lake. The view was breathtaking, with the sunlight reflecting off the water, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadows. I couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of nature.

With a soda, I tried the rib dish. The flavours were amazing, we enjoyed the tender meat and the tangy sauces, savouring the harmony of flavours.


The little ones were having fun by themselves, they were busy rolling down and running up again and again.



I wandered around throughout the day, taking in the sights and sounds of the festival. I felt welcomed and warmly embraced by my aunt's friends as they laughed and engaged in lively conversation.

I went to buy my aunt some ice cream because she was feeling hot and wanted to have some. My first time ordering since I've been here made me very anxious, but it all worked out because the vendor was so friendly and playful. I bought her a vanilla and chocolate twist cone.


Amidst the sea of rib lovers, a familiar face caught my eye—my cousin was there too, enjoying the festivities. We exchanged warm greetings, promising to catch up later.


In addition to the rib barbecues, there were numerous booths selling a variety of goods. These included everything from cute jewellery and clothing to everyday necessities. Even a free roulette game was available, and spinning won you prizes.


As the clock ticked closer to 5 p.m., the sun began its descent, and the gentle breeze started to turn a bit chilly. I wrapped myself in a light jacket, but the cool air only added to the cozy, festive ambiance.


While my aunt and I were making our way to the streets to walk home, we came across this adorable flower arrangement at the top.


Bell Park offered not only picturesque scenery and delicious food but also a sense of community and connection with wonderful people. Leaving Ribfest that day, I felt a deep appreciation for good company and the diverse culture that can be celebrated through food and shared experiences.

This was once a Sudbury hospital, but it has since been abandoned, according to my aunt. So this is how it appears from the front, and upon first glance, I find it to be even more eerie but colourful.


On our way home, we went past the Bridge of Nations, where there were flags of different countries, and I saw the Philippine flag.


It was a day filled with walking, excitement, laughter, and the beauty of nature, leaving me eagerly anticipating the next adventure with my aunt and her amazing group of friends.

What do you think? Comment down below! Thank you for stopping by. See you in my next post.

Some photos were edited using Canva

About The Author


Melria is a book lover and a storyteller. She loves to explore various things beyond her limits. If you like her content you may drop a comment, upvote, and reblog her post.


The places you were into were so cool, but I am very amazed by our flag hanging freely up high.

Ka nice sad sa ilang hospital te uy mura mag dli hospital tan-awn although abandoned na. Tsaaaa ang mata ay nagtwinkle2x sa kalipay 🤣🤣

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