 2 years ago  

It looked like a pretty good ideal weekend and something tells me you've enjoyed many of them.

My ideal weekend was the photo of me drinking the beer by the pool, with maybe a bit of kayaking beforehand :)

 2 years ago  

...and cheesecake right?

Why did you have to do that? Now I got a craving for cheesecake!

 2 years ago  

Lol...Now I fucked myself over because I want some too!

 2 years ago (edited) 

@galenkp With archery; if I got the chance to choose my targets, then I'd improve 🤣...that way, I PROMISE, I would never miss!🤣

...and YES! I;ve enjoyed ALL of these activities:)

 2 years ago  

Lol, dangerous woman!

No, no! Me? I'm an ANGEL, full stop

 2 years ago  

As if.

 2 years ago  
