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RE: You pay it, they waste it

I totally agree with you. Taxes is mostly theft. I do not mind paying a bit but we pay taxes on everything then have no say in how it is spent. History repeats itself and we do not learn. They do what they want and the masses accept it as it must be for the public good. It is so frustrating because it seems that the majority have become complacent although they talk a lot.


Yes, indeed history repeats because human nature never changes. Given the same circumstances, humans will always respond in the same manner. Yes, we complain but what else is to be done? Change the faces of the men in power? When has that ever made any difference? Protest en masse? When has that ever made a difference? We're doomed I tell you, doomed:)

I must agree with you although I want to remain hopeful. However the last years seems to confirm your thoughts. 😔😔