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RE: Tradition

in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)

Well, in the Solar Cueva del Humo there was no smoke but clarity and a lot of Aché y...

"Una timba cerrá, sin cortinas"

Justo como debe ser.

Enjoy it my little brother, that is the essence of life, to enjoy, to feel with the immense truth what comes from the depths of the heart.
Nothing will disappear as long as there is a person like you breathing in this world.


Muchas gracias querida @nanixxx me gustaría llevarte al solar pa' que conozcas al Miki, (tremendo personaje) te va a encantar y también lo puedo invitar cuando hagamos
"El RUMBÓN HIVE" Jaaaaaaja.

Thank you very much dear @nanixxx I would like to take you to the solar pa' you know the Miki, (tremendous character) you'll love it and I can also invite him when we make
"El RUMBÓN HIVE" Haaaaaaaaja.

Claro que me encantará 😉
