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RE: The Weekend is My Religion

Hi Milly, I love your entry! We have very similar ideas of what constitutes an ideal weekend ☺️ Absolutely love the fact that you're intentional with your weekends. Do you find that you do certain activities more than the others?

If you only have one day off in a week, which of these activities are your top priority? Haha just curious. Mine would be meditating, journalling, and house chores! I surprisingly enjoy chores 🤣


Hey Anis,
Haha! I find your comment nice.
I took off the last paragraph and photo with me doing chores; Chores keep me grounded.
I LOVE house chores.
If it's just one day off, then I might do chores.
The reason is, when I'm doing chores, I meditate!
I express and feel gratitude for everything I touch: Making my bed; I give thanks that I did not sleep on the floor. Sweeping; I give thanks that I do not live on the streets. Cleaning my ceiling; I give thanks for a roof over my head. Washing dishes; I'm thankful that I had food to eat.
I'm very domesticated too 😁

I find that I opt for solitary things more:), and I know deep inside that I would not make a good prisoner, as I need to be outside (free in nature), doing something physical;)

Thanks for stopping by😊

Oh wow that's very good way of doing chores! I find chores quite relaxing so I would do it while listening to a podcast or some chill music. I really love your approach of showing gratitude through your chores! It's so simple and easy to make it part of our day. I really like how we can also be more present in the moment!! I will implement that as well for myself.

I hope it goes well for you:) One can never express too much gratitude 💚🙏