Weekend Engagement - Uniquely Me

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)


I am back this week for another round of weekend engagement! Didn't take part in last week's edition as I was having writer's block and sometimes it is best to just chill rather than to forcefully churn an entry out. Lol!

This week's prompts are interesting and I picked the last one because I thought I would be able to share more about myself.

What makes you uniquely you? Explain your answer with examples.

So without further ado, I will name 3 things that I find unique about myself!

I talk to myself a lot

I don't mean verbally, but I have a lot of thoughts running through my head most of the time. Sometimes it could be decision making, such as whether to make a big purchase or decide on which events to go when schedules are conflicting. Sometimes it could be related to planning, for example, think how to allocate my finances when my annual bonus comes in. Or it could just be simply words of affirmation when I am feel stressed, telling myself "I can do it".

As an introvert, I listen more than I talk when I am with others but within my brain, endless conversations are taking place. Over time, I have gotten used to it and I think it helps me organise my thoughts better.

I plan too much

I am not sure if this is a good or bad trait but I like to plan stuff in general. For instance, I like to plan my schedules so that I know I am being productive and not wasting time. Sometimes it feels reassuring that there is something in place to guide me.

The downside of this trait is that I am not so adaptable to changes especially when there are last minutes changes to the plans. I am aware of this so I do try to be flexible and take things with stride.

I am quite crazy about numbers

Numbers excite me since young. I loved Mathematics when I was schooling and I felt a deeper connection when I was exposed to the field of Statistics in high school. I subsequently studied Statistics in university and I really enjoyed those 4 years. I always thought if not for my passion, I wouldn't have survived the course.

Even though my current job isn't quite related to my field of study (which is fine, that's life), I still enjoy crunching numbers on random stuff, as you would notice from some of my posts on Hive.

So that's my sharing this week! Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts or if you could relate to any of the above traits!


I talk to myself alot too!!

Hahahaha that's interesting to know!

Hi Relf

I can relate, I used to be very methodical with my schedule, pre having my daughter, it's a good trait to have structure to guide your day.

You like statistics, that's cool, I'm generally quite bad with numbers, it's something I used to enjoy but I lack the brain power for it. What made you change your career path?

Hi Andrastia!

Thanks for the comment! Hmm as for the career choice, I was open-minded during my job search back then. I explored many types of work because I was keen to learn new skills and knowledge. So in the end, the best overall offer I got wasn't related to my field of study.

Sometimes I think it's not a bad thing to separate passions/hobbies from actual day to day work. For example, as much as I like to play Splinterlands, if I were told to report at 9am and play Splinterlands all the way till 6pm and knock off, I think I will probably get sick of the routine. Hehe!

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