How much time did I have left?|Weekend Commitment #158

How much time did I have left?

Hello friends of Hive, one more week participating in the weekend initiative #158. This time @galenkp proposed some interesting topics, I took the situation where I have annoyed someone else.

This is a college anecdote, from some years ago, in 7th semester we had a subject called neuropsychology, the subject was quite complicated because we had to learn medical terms, especially about the brain.

For each cut (there are 3 cuts in the semester) we had an exam, the first one had a score of 20 points. We were all quite anxious for this exam because the professor was also strict and the subject quite long.

The day of the exam arrived and we were all filling out the exam paper, I was worried because I thought there was little time left to turn in the exam and I was missing several answers. On the walls there is no clock and no way to know the time, so I called the professor and asked him how much time was left to turn in, and he answered that there were 20 minutes left to turn in the exam (normally we had 90 minutes to do the whole exam).


At that point everyone yelled like "Noooooo!", "Nobody wants to know that!", "Why did you ask that!"...!"....

I felt very sorry for what I had done, I didn't know that for others it was unwelcome information. But it did help me to speed up my answers based on the time left.

When I left, no one said anything to me, but I knew they hated me for it.

A few months later on the second exam, I also had the same concern. This time, I motioned to the professor and quietly told him to tell me how much time was left to turn in the exam and to tell only me. I did the same thing, I answered based on the time I had left, and no one else knew so no one was bothered by that.

At the first opportunity it was a collective fury at the answer to that question, and it was not pleasant for me to feel that I had upset the group and I imagine it was not pleasant for them to feel the pressure of the time remaining and also that they had no interest in knowing about. I also understood that not all the time my concerns have to be those of others.

This was my anecdote, I know I have many more, this was the happy one because the discomfort towards me was collective and that feeling I do not think I will forget.

Greetings to all, thank you for coming here and reading my post.

Fuente Pixabay

Traducido por DeepL


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What a story :) I don't understand the reaction of the others honestly. We had watches each when we had the exams and knew exactly what time it was and how much we had. How can you take an exam when you don't know how to manage the time at your disposal?

Greetings! In all the exams we didn't know the time because in the classrooms there is no wall clock, we can't take out the cell phone and almost nobody uses a wrist watch. I did like to ask the time when the exams were long and when the professors didn't say anything about the time left. Other teachers did say "so many minutes left".

In that particular exam I remember that most of them didn't pass, so the anxiety of knowing the time could be due to not having the answers to the exam.