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RE: Learning to Ski where there is No Snow

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago (edited)

I had no idea these facilities existed. Near me there is an outdoor ski facility. It has a downhill layout but with a carpet like material from the looks of it, probably similar to where you went. But the idea of having a stationary indoor version of it using a treadmill sounds pretty wild.

Screenshot from 2023-12-09 08-45-19.png

Thats the Liberty Mountain Snowflex Centre near me. I have seen it online but have yet to visit it.. Maybe I should :-)

Really happy to see you back to posting :-)


Yo Solo~!
Wow I had no idea there was something like yours too. I think they are probably using the same type of material but just used in a different way. Thanks for sharing the pic, it for sure gives us a better idea where and how this stuff is being used. Shweet~ :)