(WE91) Without Photos || Contest Entry By @Talktofaith

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Hello guys, I am back this week for the second time with my contest entry post.
Thank you @galenkp for this weekly contest.

So in my today's contest entry, I will be talking about some photos I will not do without and not ready to discard because they mean so much to me.

Photo 1

A Picture With Ruth and Mrs Juliet Before Mrs Juliet Relocated To UK:

The below picture was a picture I took on 21st September 2021. That was a day before my friend Mrs Juliet relocated finally to UK with her family.

Mrs Juliet had been a good senior friend to me. While together here in Nigeria, I learnt a lot from her. I loved her company, she is very accommodating and open handed. We were really good as family friends, then she relocated down to UK. She went for studies though, but she is going to base in UK even after her studies.

I am keeping this picture for a memorial, I normally look at it almost everyday.

Though we still communicate, but it's not as real as those days when we see physically. I really do miss her.

I have plans of moving to UK though, so I will be joining her soonest.

IMG_20210919_130202_354.jpgMrs Juliet, @talktofaith and Miss Ruth

Photo 2

A Hang Out With Friends After 2 Months Of Being On A Sick Bed:

The below picture was taken on 15th September 2021. These beautiful ladies are my friends, they @ammyy, Miss Hannah and Miss Ruth.

I was sick and admitted in the hospital for 2 months. I recovered in September and Miss Ruth decided to take me out, so these other of our friends had to tag along.

I can't forget that day in a haste, I felt loved on that day first hand. It was all fun.

I am also keeping this picture for a memorial, each day I look at it, I remember the things I passed through when I was sick and how God helped me and healed me, because the sickness was beyond medical explanation, but God came through for me.

So these ladies were all excited seeing me up on my feet again, after such a long break on a sick bed.

I love them all.

@talktofaith, Miss Ruth, @amnyy and Miss Hannah

Photo 3

A Reuniting Picture With My Old School Friends Turned Sisters:

The below picture is a picture of myself and my old school friends turned sisters. We have been friends from 2012 till date. We all met in our first year in school and it had been all amazing.

Though we were always in touch, but we are now dispatched to different environments.

Mrs Cynthia is married now, and this picture was taken 2 days before she gave birth to her first baby. Miss Alice is a business lady, while myself @talktofaith is also a business lady.

This picture was taken on 8th of January 2022. We have all gone back to our base, I look at this picture almost everyday and it reminds me of our old school days, then things we went through together and the current happenings right now.

Mrs Cynthia, @talktofaith and Miss Alice

I have lots of memorable pictures I am saving, but for the contest rule sake, I will limit my pictures to these 3.

Hello @galenkp, here is my contest entry post.

Best regards


Thank you for supporting the #weekend-engagement posting topics concept WE91


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Thank you for setting the contest at well @galenkp.
I'm always excited by the contest topics and will keep participating.

Best regards


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Gorgeous - I can tell your friends are super important to you. It's so hard to choose only three photos isn't it?

Yes, they are all important to me.
Seriously it was hard choosing only 3 photos, but I had to abide by the contest rules.
Thanks for visiting.
Best regards

I broke the rules - I am TERRIBLE at rules!

That's funny