Taking A Stroll With Paul Stamets

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

This is my first time, to take part in the Weekend Engagement Challenge. I have been aware of it for quite a while now, but I always seemed to miss the deadline, not this time though. This week there are six prompts to choose from. I decided to write about the person that I would most like to meet.

Tell us who you would love to meet and spend time with, and why you would like to meet them. Choose any person alive on the planet today, your family members are excluded, and talk about the meeting, the setting, discussions, or events that may take place. Answer seriously or with humour, the choice is yours.

There are quite a few people I would love to meet and hang out with, some of whom are on here.


Paul Stamets

I am at a point in my life, where I want to connect with people who motivate and inspire me. Who are focused on creating a better world. One such person is Paul Stamets, the world renown mycologist, who has studied the world of fungi for many years and built up a world of knowledge on their healing properties for both the earth and us humans.

He has written numerous books, my favorite being Mycelium Running, where he shares his personal records and research and also how mushrooms can save the world. One such idea, is how mycelium could be selected to to break down toxic waste and also to improve the health of the environment.

I have been using mushrooms medicinally for a few years now, and they have really helped to heal me, both emotionally and physically. There is also numerous studies, about how fungi, especially those grown from old growth forest, can help to heal people with terminal illnesses. Something Paul also discusses in his book.


I have always been fascinated with fungi and if I had the opportunity to meet with anybody, it would o be Paul Stamet, as my dream is to create a mushroom farm and who better to guide me, that the fungi King himself.

I would love to meet him in one of the old growth forests in America ( Mount Rainier for example) that he regularly visits, so that I could get to walk in his footsteps and learn to identify the mushrooms that he lovingly writes about. I would listen, so intently as he talks to me about mycelial architecture, how an inch of topsoil contains at least 8 miles of fungal cells. Mind blowing, isn’t it?

Then we would discuss the life cycle of mushrooms, which is essential if you wish to grow your own. This of course would lead into a discussion about the different types of inoculation methods and hopefully help me decide what would be best for me and the mushroom farm that I will be creating. Then we would move onto the different ways in which I could cultivate them.


I have watched so many interviews with him and listened to many podcasts as well and his knowledge is outstanding. To be honest, I would be stoked just to be in his presence and go on a silent walk with him. To explore the old growth forests that he tries do fiercely to protect. His passion and enthusiasm is contagious, I really do love the way in which he sees the world, a world full of solutions!

I would then invite him to come visit me, where I would arrange a wonderful gathering, a mushroom festival of sorts, where all of us fungi lovers could come together and share our passion and knowledge. I would be sure to invite @yangyanje and @riverflows, both of whom I would also love to meet and hang out with and hopefully one day soon it will happen.





Meeting someone who has the same passions and interests as ourselves, no matter the subject/activity is always great and this is exactly the sort of post I had in mind when I write that particular topic. There's a sense of deep satisfaction that comes from meeting a person like this and I believe it walouod leave an indelible mark upon a person...and be very inspiring.

Thanks for joinng in. I appreciate it greatly.

Thanks for such a great topic, I really enjoyed writing this, it's great to think of the many discussions I could have with him and yes he is such an inspiration to me xxxxx

Oh my god I am SO glad that you would invite me and Shinobi - I would 100 percent fly over from Australia for that! Absolute genius. You know when people ask me who I'd most like to meet I couldnt' think of ANYONE - I just dont think like that. But now you say Stamets - oh man that would be so cool. I would just be starstruck and tongue tied I think, which is why I could never spend a day with anyone like that, but if I came in a group and you and Shinobi did the talking, I'd be happy. I watched Fantastic Fungi on Netflix the other day and cried. I love his story. I am just about to finish off my Reishi tincture, just learnt it's good for asthma.

Oh could you imagine, that would be amazing. I am manifesting it right now. How could I not have you two with me 💚
Fantastic Fungi is soooo good, I really do have so much admiration and respect for Paul, he is a true earth warrior xxxxx

Indeed - sometimes earth people come along and knock your socks off with their inspiring wisdoms! There's alot of herbalist podcasts I listen to that I love. I really enjoyed this one recently


Its beautiful to see that you have some one you really admire. From your description he sounds like a really great guy, I'm sure he really is.

I had no idea mushroom was that valuable, it's good to see you're one with nature and study it on a daily.

Good luck with meeting Paul Stamats, I hope you write a post when you eventually get to meet him

I would so love to meet him, this post is the start of me manifesting it lol. Thank you @chincoculbert xxxx

You know what's crazy? I'd really love to actually hang out with exactly you two as well and thought about it recently. You and @riverflows. Maybe a day ago. It's Ramson season here again. Daisies, Nettles, Plantago lanceolata, Allaria officinalis, Vicia sepium etc. I really got inspired by Paul Stamets a few years ago a lot and keep reading at mushroomreferences.com. In fact I met a friend of mine today who grows Reishi, Chaga, Lions Mane and many more medicinal mushrooms. You and @riverflows and the posts I read on herbs here and your initiatives really motivate me a lot. I'd love a mushroom festival! There's surely a mycological revolution taking place nowadays and I still haven't seen fantastic fungi yet. I think i'm gonna save that one up for a special moment. I really feel like that about this man as well. Paul Stamets is exceptional in our age.

Not crazy at all, makes perfect sense to me, we are connected after all 💚
I love Spring time, lots of clevers, nettles and chickweed here. I hope to go higher up into the mountains and look for some fungi.
Can't wait to have you visit me xxxx
And yes fantastic fungi, it is amazing, watching it, is the special moment xxxx🍄

Stamets would be a great person to meet. He's the guy who got me interested in mushrooms way back when he gave that Ted talk about using them to remediate toxic waste. I wish you luck on creating a mushroom farm, all you need is some sort of small shed (or freezer sized box) with humidity and a light and you can be growing loads of mushrooms.

Thanks so much @sketch.and.jam, he is pretty awesome xxxx

I used to just like my mushrooms on pizza, maybe sauteed on a steak...but gradually awareness has been spreading that the funky fungi are far more beneficial than all that. It's one of the giants of our natural food medicine cabinet.

Hey, @trucklife-family, if you can spare a moment for a bit of reciprocity, I've provided the link below to my newest article. My content needs all the attention it can get as I've been busy finishing up some juicy articles and now ready to post regularly:)


Yes, mushrooms are fecking amazing.
I will check out you post for sure, just short on time at the moment but I will get there xxx

Thanks, @trucklife-family. That was very generous of you.

He first came to my attention when I saw Fantastic Fungi. Great documentary and a very inspiring person!

That is one of my favorite documentaries and great to read that so many also admire him xxxx

Yes, I would love to read some of his work. He sounds fascinating.

A fascinating man, I really enjoyed his talks and the theory about the increase of size of the ape-brain being accredited to muschrooms - I think that's a pretty interesting concept.

It's also really nice of you that you would invite fellow fungi fundies to the meeting.

Ah thanks @andrasita, yes that is really fascinating xxx

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Oh you didnt actually meet him ?.... or at least a tweet reply?

I wish, yes the heading was a tad misleading, but it did fit in with the question xxx

lol imagine self polciing for click bait while literal holocausts going on outside lol

hive needs to be more ruthless and start blackmailing politicians and shit like epstein lol