My Green-kend

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Hello weekend.
This week’s topics are so captivating, I couldn’t resist.

And yes my title was inspired by:

“The green weekend”

About two weeks ago I went on a girly date with my friend to a fancy restaurant just near us. Lately, I’ve been so focused on my craft that I totally forgot to enjoy myself once in a while. Lucky for me, my friend was in the same position.
We conversed and concluded on a restaurant date to eat and escape from reality.. a bit.

Usually before going out, I don’t know if others do this but for me, I prefer to google the venue and find out the colors of the interior and exterior before deciding on the color of outfit to wear.
For example, if the aesthetics of the venue is blue I’m definitely adding a touch of blue to my outfit, be it my purse, shoes or even the dress. Why? I’ll never tell ;)

Well this time, the ambiance of the restaurant was a mixture of colors although the side I liked the most was the greenery therefore I picked up my green wig to complete my ritual hehe.
The day came and we arrived at the restaurant which is built in a hotel.


The scene was even lovelier in person.


The food was amazing, the servers were gentle and polite, the view was great and we even caught a live band at the long run!
They played the iconic Halo by Beyoncé and it was such a beautiful thing to witness. Deep down I thought I’d hire them to perform at my wedding someday.

I’m running out of words but you get the point!
There’s so much more to cover on this trip so I’ll be making a short vlog, same place other time ;)
I can’t wait to share my view and experience with you all.

I hope you enjoyed reading, see you in the next!

all images are mine


Lovely shots 📸

You decided to do us "longer throat" with this blog post so that we'll continue drooling while we wait for you to unveil more pictures and your detailed experience in the vlog. Is nor fair oooo! But we'll sha wait 🤧

Your wig blends well with the greenery, and I believe the gods were pleased with you. They accepted the "ritual," right? lol

It's been a while, I hope you're good?

Lmao I refuse to let you predict me dear Ksam 😂 but watch this space though lol.

I’m great, just took a little break but I’m back. i think

You want me to apply for a position as your number 1 stalker? 😅

I'm glad you're back, don't think... know! 😁

Thank you hun 🤗

You're always welcome

Great pictures.
That's an interesting thing you do, researching the place before toy visit and matching some of your clothes to the colors of the environment.
That green wig look cool

Color coordination means a lot to me apparently.

That green wig look cool

Thank you, I like to switch it up a bit once in a while.

I don’t know if others do this but for me, I prefer to google the venue and find out the colors of the interior and exterior before deciding on the color of outfit to wear.

Yo that's kinda weird! Defs only you bud 😂
So like what? Your saying if the color of the interior is nude you're gonna dress.... :)

Hehe... Color humor :)

Digging the new green hair though. I'd be looking forward to the vlog!

Humor or not, the answer to your question is yes.. XD

Thanks for the compliment Zeraton, I’ve missed your humor haha.
As for the vlog, I’m looking forward to it as well. Never done this before!

Ha! That's a good answer :(

Ahhh... The year is slowly coming go an end, what better time to step outta your comfort zone than now!

I'm sure it'll be good

You're so right!