The Weekend. Oh yes. The Weekend.

I came to the weekend.
I saw the weekend.
I conquered the weekend.

Or it conquered me. Either way, there was conquering happening.

And back we are here now, again, on Monday.


I took some advice this weekend and largely unplugged, stayed out of the home basement office, and otherwise spent the weekend doing Other Things. Things With Sunlight were preferred and, though I didn't get outside to frolic, I did indeed see the sun.

I also saw the moon.

Saturday morning started with moving furniture. I do seem to live in a constant state of improving my house, and this was no different. Last week I happened to stumble across a dining room table and chair set that looked about perfect for my dining room. The caveat is that I already have a dining room table with chairs. The further caveat is that I do not like what I already had, and the new set was just Better. A little smaller. Nicer chairs. A better height. And the price was right. So the new-to-me table and chairs came home with me last weekend (about 9 days ago now).

Alas, the old table would not fit in my van. This past Saturday my neighbour was able to help me haul the old one off to Goodwill, so I finally have a dining room in a state that I enjoy again.

Very shortly after that was done it was time for some yardwork. The hedges on the west side of my house have a stubborn habit of growing and getting in the way of the fence and gate. I really don't like it when they do that, and I like it even less when I trim them in the summer and get stung by a wasp. I haven't yet ripped them up, so trimming them while it's still cool outside is the correct course of action. Trimmed and cleaned. So, yes, my bushes are now nicely trimmed and ready for public viewing and affection.

Saturday afternoon is what weekends are all about. I finished the outdoor chore just in time as the wind picked up in the most dastardly way. It was loud. It was windy. I was indoors. On the couch beside the window. Listening to the wind. Enjoying the warmth of the sun. And napping.

The only thing better than napping in a heavy wind storm is napping in a thunderstorm with the comfortable feeling of indoor warmth and security. I did manage to wake up in time to order food. I don't really like to order out that much, but we had Plans for the evening: ghost hunting at Fort Mifflin!


(please forgive the shitty picture - I did not bring my dslr with me)

This felt like a fun autumn night, and I loved the ambience. I love the fall. Fog. Mystique and mystery. Candles. Lanterns. Everything about fall I love, and this felt like it.

Fort Mifflin was built before the Revolutionary War in Philadelphia, so it's old and has some history to it. It claims to be "one of the most 10 haunted locations in the US." Certainly, gauging by history alone, the location has had some ghastly events, such as an officer having his head blown off by a cannonball, and public executions.


I enjoyed the lanterns they put out. It made it feel like autumn and Halloween. I was happy.

By the end of the night I felt myself neither overwhelmed nor underwhelmed. Just.. whelmed. Did anything happen? We saw some lights flicker on and off. There were no ghastly voices. No shrieks. No grabbing. Someone did claim to have some success with dousing rods, to which I remain skeptical. Honestly, I will remain skeptical until I have something happen that cannot be disputed. But it was a neat experience.

Did I see an apparition? Judge for yourself.


Do you see the profile of a face? Hands where there should be hands? And feet? That's either an apparition or my very skinny grown child.

It's my grown child.

Sunday ended up being more full than I was expecting. I had a small auction lot to pick up with some Really Neat cookbooks in it. Two of them were published in the late 1800s. I haven't had an opportunity to go through them yet, but I plan on making some of the recipes to see how they turn out.

Beyond that I was finally able to get my middle son to come out with me on a walk in one of the state parks. He has resisted this. For years. Literally years. He has refused time and again to go. Yesterday was finally a success, and I took good advantage of it. We were able to talk about him, some goals he has, and ways to get to those goals. This is the boy that I worry most about, as he's had some personal issues, mental health issues, and physical health issues that he has not yet learned to manage, so I was very happy to get out with him and to hear him so chatty.


Meatloaf was on tap for dinner, then I amused myself with watching a couple episodes from the 2012 version of TMNT which is, in my mind, the best representation of TMNT that has yet to be made.

It felt good to get a few things done, spend some quality time with the boys, and stay mostly unplugged for the weekend.

And now, Monday morning coffee.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

Blind Skeleton

Online Radio:
Friday Night Concert: 6:00pm EST

Blind Skeleton.jpeg


That is some spooky scary stuff not gonna lie!

It was pretty neat. There will be another opportunity in a couple of months when it isn't freezing, which will be fun to do as well.

My partner and I used to go ghost hunting over 10 years ago in Hamilton Ontario. It was super fun. We never found anything.

They decided to show up later when we moved into a certain apartment here in Montreal It was too frightening and I never want this again. I will now let them alone haha.

It looks really nice in your neck of the woods.

I was gifted a "haunted doll" about two years ago. It still hasn't done anything. I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or not about that.

That sounds like a good weekend dude, productive and filled with things that are good to get finished such as a nap lol. I hear you on the table preferences, my parents had a table that was too high and I didn’t enjoy it.

We drove through your neck of the woods on Sunday! I was surprised we popped in and out in like 15 minutes driving down 95. Crossed into Delaware and before I knew it, right on back out lol I was confused.

I love those old school lanterns, they have them at a lot of places around us as well in the fall and it makes for some great pictures, though they take them down for the winter so they don’t get destroyed in the snow.

I was surprised we popped in and out in like 15 minutes driving down 95.

LOL! Yep, it's a short stretch. We joke about it being the most expensive stretch of I-95 along the coast. We might have even passed each other when I was driving down to Baltimore for the auction pick up!

It was really a conquering weekend for you.
I appreciate the fact that you had created an opportunity for you and your son to talk better that's the biggest win if you ask me.

It was a very productive weekend, fixing things at home, sharing with loved ones and disconnecting and doing activities that do not enrich. I really liked the way you conveyed your experiences in your story. Best regards

Thanks! I really enjoy weekends where we can be both a little productive and spend some quality time together. Already have this weekend planned out, too!