Weekend-Engagement WEEK #197: My life plans 🦋

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Since I was a little girl I had planned what my perfect life would be like, at what age I would finish school and college, what college career I would choose and at what age I would receive my medical degree. My grades would always be consistent and I would be able to pursue my hobby; ballet. When I would have my children and how many.

Do you prefer to plan aspects of your life or let it happen and go with the flow?

Today, in my 30's, I can tell you that there is nothing more wrong than thinking that time is in our hands and that each of our life plans will happen as we dream it. While it is true that we are the masters of our own destiny, this journey we undertake is full of surprises and millions of paths to follow.



Yes, I managed to achieve many of my goals... however it was at my own pace, during my adolescence it was hard for me to understand that life is not about a race, that each one of us goes at our own pace, that it is okay not to have a home or the dream job as I planned; however, I enjoy each stage and I am sure that everything will come in its own time.

It's not about getting carried away, come on... let's not be extremists either. I prefer to be make my plans but be flexible and be open to the fact that for various reasons they may change a little, even take a 180° turn and that doesn't mean it's wrong.


So I prefer to plan my happiness as much as possible and enjoy the jolts and wonders that the road brings us.

I loved the themes of the weekend, happy to resume my participations after a time of changes and new challenges for me, but as I told you...that's what it's all about, daring from time to time. Thanks for reading me, have a nice weekend.


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*Main image edited in Canva.
Banner edited in Canva / Separator edited in PicsArt.
All photos are my property


Enjoying the stages of life is important as is planning for the next stage and the one after that. It's about balance, living in the present and looking into the future, planning for it.

Becca 🌷

That's right, it's all about balance and enjoying the journey towards our goals. Thanks for your comment, have a nice day. 💛