Anna's willpower

in The Ink Well2 months ago

Anna, a hard-working and determined girl who attends St Mark's memorial school in Canada , derives joy whenever she sees other students on a marathon race. This made her love watching marathon races and always want to be a marathoner because of her passion for it. Whenever she's at home with her brother Wilson, she practices to run a 50 kilometer race which she started with him. Wilson, her brother would often laugh and make jest of her , still she never gave up .

One fateful Wednesday during the sport time, she decided to beg the sport master Mr Clement to give her the opportunity to enter the race of 150 kilometers, Mr Clement agreed. Maria, Linda and Juliet, who were the best racers, mocked her and Linda ridiculed her inability to walk properly. They all laughed loudly and all eyes were on Anna. She felt bad but still kept herself motivated.

Mr Clement called Anna and other students who will be participating in the race . When the whistle blower blew the whistle, they began their race. Anna was not fast in running, but the sportsmanship in her shows how passionate she was, despite the fact that she was the last, she still ran 150 kilometers. She was so tired and almost collapsed.

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"Anna, marathon race is not for you , you almost collapsed today" Wilson Said to her as he bantered. reluctantly Anna replied

"marathon race is not for anybody but for whoever is determined to do it, Wilson I still will not give up this easily I must run the race".

Then the sport master came to her "Anna, that was a good start, I love the sportsmanship you displayed during the race , despite the fact you were falling, you still didn't relax nor gave up", with the words of the game master, Anna was encouraged, "

"Anna, what you will need is a constant rehearsal for the race so that you can adapt. I know it will not be easy for you" he added.

Anna replied calmly, "thank you Mr Clement. I really appreciate your kind gesture".

The next day she was in school and mistakenly badged into Linda, Maria and Juliet. Immediately they saw her, they burst into laughter, they made mockery of her on how she ran the race on their previous sports days at school, she became a laughing stock. Anna was infuriated, she sniffed and walked past them quietly without saying a word. Reaching her class room she could not fight back her tears, she began to cry. Belinda, a friend of hers, saw what happened from a distance so she came to her and noticed her mood and said to her " make sure you don't let their hypocrisy make you fail in achieving what you are passionate about, be strong and never give up and your sportsmanship as well " she encouraged. Anna was relieved by Belinda's encouragement. "Thank you" Anna said with a smile on her face and Belinda hugged her.

The marathon race went on and on , gradually Anna was already moving forward, leaving two students behind. The sportsmanship she displayed during every race on sport days was overwhelming because she was never scared of losing. Her passion towards it made her go this far, despite facing some challenging moments because of her constant failure she still didn't relax.

A day was set for a marathon race of 500 kilometers in which the first, second and third position will be rewarded. On this day, Wilson and Belinda were so scared because they felt Anna could not make it to any of the three positions. When the race started Anna looked at them with a smile on her face and they gave her the same smiles and a thumbs up . The whistle blower blew the whistle and race began, Anna was left behind as she run reluctantly, then gradually she began to double up Wilson said to Belinda three people are already behind her from that moment they started cheering her by shouting her name happily, the sportsmanship in her was still there whether she loose or win she will still reach the end of it.

Surprisingly to Mr Clement , Wilson, Belinda and Linda Anna came in second position which made Wilson and Belinda happy and they raced into the field and carried her up joyfully, Linda and her friends hid their heads in shame.


Nice story, full of dedication and perseverance, although others want to say that we cannot or were not born for that, it does not depend on them, in the end it depends on ourselves and what we are willing to do, Ana never gave up, and did not let herself be intimidated and much less despised, no doubt it hurt her the mockery of those who did not believe in her, but knowing that others supported her and saw her dedication as Mr. Clement, gave her more reasons to continue apart from her self-respect and sportsmanship. Undoubtedly an example for many.

That's true, in life we meet with people who ridicule our effort. It's left for us at the end to decide whether to give up or not.

Thanks so much for reading

The trio made conscious efforts to discourage her through their mocking. Thankfully, the likes of Belinda, Wilson and the coach encouraged her and gradually, her body adapted and she displayed excellence. Hopefully those three aforementioned mockers would learn their lesson and make peace with Anna.

Good script here

Yeah, we need people like them in moments like this to keep striving

Anna sportsmanship and refusal to give up are truly inspiring. She proved that with hard work and perseverance, anyone can achieve their goals, no matter what others may say.

Truly, listening to people's opinion sometimes is what brings demotivation and perseverance. Glad Anna never heed to their mockery