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RE: The Horrors of Kwiksave: The Calm Before the Storm

That music video is hysterical. I see music and culture in the 80s was just as bizarre in the UK as it was in the US. However, 80s pop wasn't so punk rock in the US. I hated the pop music of the 80s here. Anything even remotely sounding punk was underground. Pop punk in the 80s US were bands like the Go Go's 🤣

I love these stories. I've read a few of these posts in this series. I've thought about doing something similar about my rave and club years in the 90s. Sooner or later I'll get around to jotting some stuff down.

I was a shelf stocker in the 80s too. Worked the graveyard shift at a local super market with a bunch of friends from the neighborhood. Good times actually. The store was closed and we'd pull everything out from the backroom and stock everything for the morning opening. There was a lot of weed and acid involved. 🤣


Sounds like you have some good stories to tell. The video was from TOTP where the artists were made to mime. It was he only music show of it's time for mainstream stuff and now looks cheesy and terrible!

Just about all TV from that era looks cheesy and terrible!


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