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RE: Firsthand experience as a patient's relative

in The Ink Welllast month

This was a nicely shared story from your life in which you juxtaposed two instances of dealing with ill patients at the State General Hospital: one as a junior doctor at the hospital, and the other as the relative of a patient at the hospital. The latter experience gave you an appreciation for what it is like to be on the receiving end of late night prescriptions and instructions from the doctors. If more professionals had the kind of first-hand experience that you did, perhaps the medical profession there would be more caring and considerate towards their patients and the patient's family. It always starts with one though. I hope your new found insights serve you and your patients well. I enjoyed this read, Musa, although I would have liked to have seen a little more dialogue to drive the story forward and provide some more balance to the narrative.

Thank you for sharing a story from your life with The Ink Well.


Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm grateful.