The Adventures of Ramon Letondu, Part IV

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)

To the readers: Do not hesitate to indicate spelling and/or style mistakes.



Ramon Letondu was still looking for an occupation.

First, he thought that he would become a painter. He has friended several of hi
s neighbors that were painting, so he thought that they could help him.

He bought supplies at Iskusstvo Magasziin. First, he tried to draw various buildings that he remembered from his life in France, Syldavia, and other European countries that he had traveled to.

As he was satisfied with his drawings, he began to paint some of them on small canvases. He had problems with the colors, so he asked Borizs for help.

Borizs was not impressed, but he did not say anything negative to Ramon.

However, Ramon soon realized that he was not very good at painting. Furthermore, he found it boring. So, he stopped and decide to do something else.

Ramon started a blog. First, he wrote a fictional story in 12 episodes. But, he got so many comments telling him that he was shitposting that he stopped writing pure fiction.

He then started to write the story of his life so far, changing the names so it would look like an invented story.

Even though he had some success, he soon got bored and stopped publishing his blog.

Ramon Letondu was still looking for an occupation.

Read the next episode

The adventures of R. Letondu, a serial shitposting fiction inspired by Torundel the Shitposter! by @katharsisdrill. This is the sequel of Ren du Lot, the shit lawyer

Rules are:

211 words - Starting with the words "Ramon Letondu" - First and last sentence are identical.

As I am not a native English speaker please inform me if something is misspelled, wrong, or just horrendous English, and I will see if I can fix it.

Part I
Part II
Part III



It seems like something familiar :)

At least, nobody is telling him he is "shitposting" anymore !

He then started to write the story of his life so far, changing the names so it would look like an invented story.

I know how he feels ;)

lol is there something wrong with shitposting?
So funny that he found blogging boring.
Here we all are blogging. And shitposting.
Has he tried being a docent? A park ranger? A bookie?

Poor Ramon!

He should have continued shit posting rather than listening to the opinion of others. It doesn't count.

Now he's looking for an occupation. Eeyah 😥