The Sous Chef.

in The Ink Welllast month

It was yet another bustling Saturday at the “Palate Palace” restaurant and even though Jack initially thought it to be his dream job, he was getting tired of washing dirty dishes. Despite his lowly position, Jack harboured a secret passion for cooking– a passion that only his wife and kids knew about.


As Jack scrubbed the dishes with practised efficiency, he overheard his head chef, Chef Enzo, lamenting about the absence of his star sous chef–chef Andy– and how the evening was going to become disastrous if a miracle didn't happen. Chef Enzo was an amiable young man who happened to be a perfectionist. Seizing the opportunity, Jack approached chef Enzo with a bold proposition.

“Chef Enzo,” he called out, his voice trembling with nervousness and uncertainty “permit me to fill in for chef Andy today.”

The bustling kitchen fell silent as every gaze turned toward Enzo’s direction.

“What are you insinuating?” Chef Enzo probed.

“I may be a lowly dishwasher but I know more than you think I do. I know my way around the kitchen and I wouldn't let you down, chef.

Chef Enzo looked firmly at Jack in a bid to decipher whether or not the daring dishwasher should be taken seriously. His gaze slowly moved from Jack to the other chefs who were paying close heed to their conversation and back to Jack.

“Very well then,” chef Enzo said with a shrug, “I guess one evening wouldn't cause so much harm.”

“Thank you so much for the opportunity, chef.” Jack yelped.

“If you perform exceptionally, I may consider keeping you.” chef Enzo added before trudging out.

With a rush of adrenaline, Jack slipped into a fresh chef’s coat and immediately got to work. His hands moved with speed and accuracy as he chopped, seasoned and stirred. His confidence was top notch and so was his hygiene.


As the evening unfolded, Jack’s dishes got amazing reviews from a few of the diners. As Jack began to bask in his glory, disaster struck.

“What is this abomination!” a diner yelled as he frantically cleaned his tongue with a towel.

The diner’s outburst captured everyone’s attention, including chef Enzo's. Chef Enzo walked up to the familiar diner to inquire what the problem was.

“Enzo,” the diner called “who made this dish?” he asked.

“Mr. Henry, what could be the problem with the dish?” Chef Enzo asked, still maintaining composure.

“The meat is overcooked and that has messed terribly with my taste buds. I can vow that Chef Andy didn't make this.”

Chef Enzo threw a quick glance at Jack to ensure that he was paying close attention.

“I am sorry Mr. Henry. This wouldnt repeat itself again.”

“It better not.”

“And to appease you, your next dish would be on the house.” Chef Enzo blurted.

“This is one reason why I love your restaurant, Enzo. You know how to take care of your customers.” Mr. Henry retorted, radiating the of kind joy similar to that of an athlete who just won a gold medal.

“Do enjoy the rest of your evening Sir.” Chef Enzo said as he excused himself.

Jack, who had observed everything from the kitchen , was faced with two options : accept defeat and return to washing dishes or make things right. Without waiting for chef Enzo's remarks, he took charge.

Tapping into his new found resilience, Jacked beckoned on his fellow chefs for assistance as he worked to salvage the situation.

He made another plate for Mr. Henry and whilst Mr. Henry took his first slice of beef, Jack could feel his heart pounding against his chest.

“Hmmm” Mr. Henry remarked as he nodded slowly, “Now this is what I’m talking about.” he mumbled with his mouth full.

The excitement Jack felt could be compared to no other. He directed his gaze towards Chef Enzo, who responded with a confirming nod.

In that moment, Jack realised that his dream of becoming a chef was closer than he imagined. His single prayer was for the rest of the evening to go smoothly, only then would his dreams become a reality.


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Fortuante Jack, hehe
Some times in life our dreams come through through means we never envisaged
Good one from him

Village people were at work at his first try. It seems he appeased them on the second try. I know he's a good but, but only God knows what would happen next when he's fully a chef 😂

@wongi! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (6/20)


Very beautiful, I like resilience wherever I see it, that never give up attitude. I love it. I hope his dreams come to pass.

I hope they do too✨

I hope his dream become a reality, truly.

This was a beautiful read.


Thank you so much for reading dearest.

You're welcome.

A souse chef??
A dishwasher??

Ahh, someone been watching ratatouille again 😂😂😂


What can I say

Thank goodness Mr Henry did not complain if not he would have lost this Opportunity too

Yes dear, he reserved his complaint.

This story is almost as satisfying as the second dinner served to Mr. Henry. We can feel Jack's ambition, his keen excitement as he gets an opportunity to show his talent. Good touch making one dish a failure. That makes the ultimate success all the more impressive.

It is a little unbelievable that the chef would take a chance on an untried dishwasher, but that's not a fatal flaw in the story. It is a very good piece.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @wongi.

Thank you very much theinkwell ✨