Daily Witchcraft ~ Candle Spells

in Magick4 months ago (edited)

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The faint light of the candle's flame grants an enchanting mood to any setting and bring us into contact with the elements of nature. Life as a modern person engaged with computers, artificial light, and artificial stressors takes us away from natural cycles. Candle magick returns us to two of the most basic technologies; fire and attention.


At my altar I often set alight set alight a candle to charge my spells in process and to bring to life the images I have set there. Looking at the drawings of my matron deities they seem to emanate power and influence over my magical workings.


As I mentioned in the previous post in this Daily Witchcraft series, the spells I engage with are simple ones. I use ceremonies to enhance the probability of favorable events, to bring happiness and abundance to my life and the life I share with those around me. In general I am working with the forces of good and light. The lighting of a candle is a symbolic representation of the light and warmth I wish to help bring to the world. This is a form of sympathetic magick which, simply put, is the art of attracting one's desire by simulating a similar energy.

In my eyes, this is how magick works. It really isn't too different than the power of positive thinking and practices of gratitude which teach that the more you are grateful, the more there is to be grateful for. Going with this logic, the lighting a candle is bringing a soft light and subtle warmth to a space. Praying, reading, or sewing by candle light rather than artificial lighting puts us in touch with our ancestral ways. Doing anything by candle light - meditating at your altar or writing in your journal - requires you to focus on that task and nothing more. Focus and attention are key to bringing about any change in the spiritual or physical plane.


These days there are constantly pull on our attention in every direction. And I really do mean constant. From cell phone sounding off, familiar obligations, chores, to the constant news cycle - the distractions make it very challenging to focus on our goals.

Focus - total attention to a singular objective - is what gives it psychic power. That is why meditation, prayer, and ceremony are such integral parts of most religions and spiritual paths.

Lighting a candle, saying a short prayer, then gazing into the flame as the candle burns while imagining my desired goal is one of the important ceremonies I include in my regular spiritual practice. Beyond attracting my life goals, candle spells are a way to center myself in the present. I throw to the side (momentarily) the chaos of modern life to instead spend some time tending to what I want to cultivate: a life of peace and presence. And candle magic is my favorite tool on the path to both.


There is an awesome Terence McKenna quote that I have been wanting to share with you and I hope that you enjoy it.

"The real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”

It reminds me a lot "A Wizard of Earthsea" of Ursula K. Leguin a fantasy novel where magic structure is based on known the "true name" of things and beings. Such a beautyfull saga of books

Will have to check that author out. Thanks.

You will not regret!

That book is on my To Read list! It is nice to have a personal recommendation - So your comment is motivating to find a copy somehow! Thanks for the comment & book rec.

I hadn't heard that quote though I am quite a fan of Terence McKenna - he has added so much to magic/medicine/(and dare I say) conspiratorial thought. As for this quote I totally agree; the words we use are so important. For this reason I try to be positive and constructive with my words and how I speak to others which is a challenge as I am quite critical of everyone and the world - I guess it is all the Capricorn and Saturn I have in my chart(s). Thanks for sharing this with me, it is a good reminded to use words to "spell" a world I hope we can collectively create for a better, abundant future.

Yay! One of my favorites of his is "Riding the range with Marshall Mcluhan" which is different than much of his stuff but very good nonetheless. The first thing that I ever heard of his was "Alien Dreamtime" and it was given to me on a homemade cassette tape by a friend. My life was never the same afterwards and that one recording sort of propelled me to where I am today.

Hehe! Keep 'spelling' it out!

The only thing I have read of his is Food of the Gods, it was actually required reading for the course of study I took in school!
The title "Alien Dreamtime" peaked my interest so I am listening to the YouTube version now. Definitely not the same as cassette made by a friend!

I have not read much of his stuff actually and mainly listened to all his spoken word that I could find. That Riding the range one is on YouTube also! That is wild that it was required reading!

Hehe! Alien Dreamtime is awesome. I was on a 'head full' of cubensis the first time that I heard it so that made it extra intense! I had never encountered anything even remotely like it before hearing it.

I feel as if your spell has reached me for focus has become a keyword today for me, so thanks 🙏

Aw!! I am so glad to hear this. I wish you lots or luck and focuw in your life and projects. Taking things one step at a time is key 🕯

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