Flowers Community has reached 100 Members!

in Flowerslast year

Yeah! One Hundred!


  • The Hive Community Flowers started off february with 26 members and 3 active Posters.
  • I am very happy that activity in the community has increased and membership has followed suit.
  • Our membersship has increased by 400% and active posters by 600%
  • I have decided to try and do one active project at a time, so while I continue to maintain the DeFi projects during this Bear Market, I don't think investors will grasp the rare chance to really profit by investing in those DeFi projects now, so instead I decided to focus on growing a Hive Community.
  • Joining Hive is difficult, so I decided to focus on a Community which would simplify the posting process, so people can focus on the quality.
  • I thank you everyone who has been posting in Flowers Community.
  • I had hoped to be able to provide larger Leo rewards by obtaining a delegation, which is still possible, but I understand they decided to invest in larger communities, so I have used my own Leo Power to provide voting rewards and I will continue to seek support from Hive Supporters.
  • Thank you,

Its a good community for those that love flowers and nature as a whole
