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RE: 2021: New Year, New Liberty

in Anarchism3 years ago

It's a sign of your emotional intelligence and your intelligence as a whole that you realise and assert that tribal relationships of the ACTUAL kind are superior to the virtual world. Saying that, I believe HIVE was a good starting point for intellectual reasoning of this kind - meeting people and reading their stories from all over the world helped you, like me, formulate a kind of confident authenticity that is able to blossom out into real life, a testing ground of sorts. So don't forget to be that person for others by publishing on HIVE when the writing urge takes you - you have alway been an inspiration to me and others, and you write so well!

Did you know we have a message service here on HIVE now? Blockchain specific messaging apps - what would you suppose they would do? Are you talking security or monetisation, or both?


You're tooootally right about that, this place and the things I've learned here have helped my journey so much. In my group, I'm the dude that makes the medicine. I need to make more, cause I've shared salves, balms, and tinctures with at least a half a dozen people. And plants with at least as many too! The abundance continues of course. Spring is coming, and with it comes pine pollen and more new medicines!

For messaging, I just want security. Corporations keep shutting down telegram, discord, parler, Facebook, and any other centralized services for lots of people, so I want to get ahead of them and get my people and I on a decentralized platform.