My starter deck as a begginer

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

As I said in my previous post, I started my journey in Gods Unchained as a free to play player. My starter deck was a midrange Nature deck. I got a little bit lucky and got in the Star Store the Bladefly and the same luck was applied to the decks before the "tryhard" matches.
This was the deck that help me in the beginning:

As a midrange deck, we want to apply pressure on the board at every moment, and for that, we use big stated minions like Skeleton Heavy, Hunt Warden, Riled Ursine, Bladefly(4 mana for 6/6 stats), Green Giant.

We control the board using Vanguard Axewoman, Canopy Barrage, Veteran Archer and The Hunt. We also can use Jump On to make a better trade or clear 2 minions with one attack (if we are lucky).
The 1 mana cards are there to contest an early board and have minions for other turns.
I also played 1 Tainted Treant to get some value over time. The 2/4 stats are not great but I wanted some value vs late games decks
As a finisher, we use Charging Oryx because is basically a 7 mana 7/7 random blitz attack.

There are some key cards in this deck that you need to have:

  • Canopy Barrage x 2. Best early removal spell from nature.
  • Skeleton Heavy x 2. 2/4 for 2 mana is a great deal.
  • Bladefly x 1. Great board development card 3 2/2 are annoying to remove.
  • Veteran Archer x 1. You can replace Carthaginian Marine if you have them.
  • The Hunt x 1. This is a great card to win back the board.
  • Green Giant x 1. Great card 7/8 and overkill for 6 mana. It's a giant thread and also can clear the board.

As for upgrades or replaces, you can add from
Core Set:

  • Marsh Walker for Dockside Prowler. Better early minion
  • Trial Spirit for Shieldbearer (i think now is better to put Spirit over the Shieldbearer). the 2 of them buff creatures and help with trades.
  • Staff of Roots or Faeflame Blade for Shieldbearer. Good relics to control the board (Use your health as a resource to destroy the enemy creatures)
  • Black Jaguar for Underbridge Assailant. Great 2 drop and better creature for board contest (because of regen).
  • Lightning Strike for Veteran Archer. Great hard removal.
  • Overgrown rhino for Underbridge Assailant, Tainted Treant, Riled Ursarine. Better stat per mana cost.
  • Hellios Battlesworn for Underbridge Assailant, Tainted Treant, Riled Ursarine. Better stat per mana cost.
  • Minotaur Phalanx replace for Green Giant or The Hunt. Board control.

Divine Order:

  • Celestial Stag over Hunt Warden. Great value card and just -1 health for a Bless effect and possible value gaining.
  • Brazen Moose, Guild Enforcer or Giant Pangolin over Green Giant, Underbridge Assailant, Tainted Treant, Riled Ursarine. Great stats cards and board pressore.

A final deck can be something like this:

For Gods Power, we want to use Animal Bond to apply pressure if we get a bad hand or Selena's Mark for pings and cheap heal. I used Flourish but now after the nerf I do not think is that great in this deck. (can help you to win trades)


  • Get stats into the board every time
  • Try to make good trades
  • Push face damage every time you can
  • Try to clear the board before summon Charging Oryx to deal 7 damage face out of nowhere

If you need help, feel free to message me here on Hive and I will try to help you.


Nice post and starter deck. Just keep grinding and you will get the cards you need. Or at the very least be able to forge cards and sell them. Then you will be able to buy cards you want to improve your deck with.

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