The Trials Begin

in Gods On Chain2 years ago


The Grand Arena of the Gods with its golden glow, appeared seven days ago but it seems like it’s been there since forever. The arena has seven pillars round circling it and an eighth pillar at the center of it. In between the seven pillars are six portals or gate ways linking directly from the citadel of the gods to the grand arena. This is supernatural of course because the arena also has benches for its audience around the grand arena.


One after the other, the champions begin to enter into the arena. Even more surprising is the fact that the once silent and empty arena is suddenly filled with an audience of men. One can only wonder how the gods brought them there, will they remember this later? Will they think it was just a dream?

The champion of light, Lysander enters first. The cracks in his body where Thariel had reassembled him glowing like the sun itself. He carries himself with serenity and composure the gods would be proud of. He holds a spear that’s been infused with holy light. Lysander walks to the eighth pillar at the center of the arena and turns around to observe the audience.


Pallas, the champion of magic, walks in next, standing beside Lysander with a flowing robe and a bright confident smile on their face. Selena follows closely behind Pallas, she’s the champion of nature. She walks with majestic pride like a wild cat in the jungle. She has her bow strapped to her back and her arrows in their quiver. Before Selena could take her place, Valka, the champion of war steps into the hall, marching valiantly. She carries her axe that glows continuously with blood and waves to the audience.


Next, comes Neferu, the champion of death. She walks right to the pillars without a smile or a frown acting like there was no one in the arena except her and the other champions. The audience didn’t notice that she had two footprints on the sands as she walked down to the pillar. The champion of deception, Orfeo, is the last champion to come into the arena. He hides his face with a mask and he has a chain wrapped around one of his arms.

The champions are converged at the middle of the arena and they’re all meeting each other for the first time in their lives. This will be exciting” says Pallas Not for everyone says Orfeo. May the bravest and the best man win says Lysander . I’ll drink to that says Valka. Let’s just get this over with, says Neferu. Selena keeps mute. She’s absorbing and observing everyone and everything from her fellow champions to the audience.


The gods enter through the portals now. Resounding gasps fill the hall and then a deafening silence. Even those who have seen the gods before have never seen all six gods together- in the same place - at the same time. The gods stop short of entering the arena. They stand right at the edges. Thariel, the god of light, stands first. His brother Elyrian, god of magic, stands to his right. To their left is Ludia, the goddess of deception , the lady of shadows.


Welcome to the Trial of the Gods, says Thaeriel. His voice roars like thunder through out the arena. There are six champions and six tasks. The winner takes the glory. Each champion will face a test assigned to them by a god different from the one who chose them says Elyrian. Champions can ask questions if they have any doubts.

Enough! shouts Auros, God of War, in a tone that makes the ground quake. I will issue my task! Thaeriel nods. Auros calls on Lysander Lysander of Parthon!

Lysander turns to face Auros. Your task is to bring us the Golden Pear of Tartessos. It is guarded but that should be an easy task for a man will your skillset, besides, it would not be the first time you’re facing the Tartessians. Must I defeat the guardians of the Golden pear? Lysander asks. Your task is to get the Pear and bring it hear if you’d rather do it through tricks I don’t mind but I doubt that your high minded god would be pleased with that”.


I accept, says Lysander. Thariel speaks next. Neferu of the Red Sands, he says. You will climb to the first pillar of creation and defeat the dragon up there. You don’t have to kill it, simply defeat and subdue it. Neferu blinks and her eyes narrow. Will it come down to fight me? Asks Neferu . It will not, says Thaeriel. where is this pillar? At the center of the world, Says Thaeriel.


The assumed center of the world is deep in the thanakris desert says Pallas. But Penthileus proved almost ten centuries ago that Eucos -the dwelling of mortals called earth- is round and has no pillars. Pallas, says Elyrian stop helping her. As you wish. Pallas replies. I accept, says Neferu.

Malisus comes forward and her voice sends shivers down the spine of every mortal in the audience. Pallas she says, you’ll go to my kingdoms, the underworld and you will face any of my champions I choose. You either defeat them or you stay there forever. Sounds like fun replies palace. Can they be defeated? He asks. Yes, answers Malissus. Even in death, they can still fall.


Interesting. No further questions. I accept.

Selena of the Arkmonian Guard, says Elyrian. Your task is to enter Antemion’s Hall of Mirrors and face that which lives in it, And that is? asks Selena. There’s only one enemy in the hall and recognizing it is part of the task. Defeat it and return safely. Selena nods and accepts the challenge.


Aeona speaks and the chill air of winter fills the grand arena. Orfeo of Ronella, she calls. There’s a great hydra in the Arkmonian Wood. Kill it or die and you must fight alone. Refreshingly straightforward, says Orfeo. I accept.


Ludia steps forward and calls Valka. Valka, Grand Chief of the Valknir, she says, your task is to enter the Cave of Lethenon and face the beast in it. Kill it, skin it and return with its hide.


Ok says Valka, quite sure the axe in her hand could cut through anything. Do you accept? Asks Ludia. Valka rolls her eyes. I accept, she says.

The tasks have been given says Thariel. Execute then and return to the grand arena within one turn of the moon. You can be helped on your ways by people but you must carry out your tasks alone or forfeit.

He didn’t say anything about a reward or how the winner would be decided. He left many things unsaid. Beside him, Elyrian and Ludia keep their secrets. On the other side of the Arena the three other gods stand together with animosity clearly in their looks.

Thariel opens his arms wide and declares

Let the Trial of the Gods begin!

NOTE: All Post Content are Referenced from the Link Below



I never realized that the characters on vow of champions are actually the champions of each god until now :p

Knowing the back stories adds new meaning to the gameplay.

True! Good job you're doing!

You are making my creative juices flow here. After writing that piece for @kephlers contest, I wanted to expand on the lore of the nature characters. I love the emotions when the champions walk into the arena; you nailed it. I would have given Selena more than the bow and arrows (just my bias here). You had me when Selena said, "And that is?" the sassy lady, and that's how I view her coming from the Amazons. The IDGF attitude and I will deal with it with Aeonas' blessing is I view her as well. Amazing job brother, you're inspiring me to write some short stories regarding nature.

Edit - Just read the reference post from You are expanding on the lore that I do like that from my comment on your previous posts. Thank you for pointing me in this direction; I only read a handful of lore posts from GU. I want to expand on the single card lore on nature, tie them into the world of GU. What do you think?

Thanks for the kind word @jungleboy1 and also for the boost. I think it's an excellent idea that you want to expand on the single card lore. There are a handful lore post on the gods unchained blog, each told by different writers, based on their perception at the time, but as the game evolves into something bigger it's only normal stories are retold and expanded on.

Yay! 🤗
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Now I know why Lysander has those cracks in his body. The storyline is great and hoping this expands soon in the Divine order.