My Weekend Ranked playing Control War!

in Gods On Chainlast year (edited)

Hello Gods Unchained lovers and Hiveans,

It has been a while since I actually played 18 matches during a Weekend Ranked event.

As I have just recently published here, I have bought some Wolf packs and GODS tokens. I am loving the game and I cannot wait for the mobile version to come out! This shoul X10 the number of players and would make playing more fun/easier!

Nevertheless, I started this weekend ranked at the Solar Gold level and achieve 11 wins which will get me 1 Rare Core / 3 Epic Core / 1 MJ rare / 2MJ Epic.

Not bad!


You can find the deck I played there. This is a Control War Deck with some very good cards!

I used the cards I bought recently such as 2x Demogorgon and one Blade of Whiteplain. The optimal deck has a few other very expensive cards to be optimal


What did you achieve this week? What Deck did you play?