Opening my first 6 Light's verdict EPIC packs!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Hi Gamers and Gods Unchained lovers,

As I was getting ready to finally play the Weekend Ranked Challenge (I missed a few during the past weeks).


I saw that thte most powerful decks needed some of these new cards, also when I went to see how much they were, I noticed that they were offered in $GODS tokens... I had earned a lot of those and I lost and bought a bunch of these packs!

They changed the game UI (looks much better now) and I feel the game is getting into a rhytm (worldwide competiton ongoing. etc...)..

I said: "Why not!".

I bought 12 EPIC packs and 16 Rare packs to hopefully get some nice cards!

Here are my first 6 EPIC packs:







I got 3 oacks with a Light's Verdict extra card which is nice!

More information on this here: LIGHT’S VERDICT BUYER’S GUIDE

What do you think about these drops?

Stay safe out there!


That is very nice, now is the time to put them into use, and I am excited to see them in action. Have a nice day ahead.