
Well it would game-breaking if it didn't lol.. If you don't mind (ignore if u do):
how many wins do you typically get in the weekend? What kind of stuff do you do otherwise in life? How long have you been around?
I'm curious because I see you all the time on Hive, always upvoting everyone's posts :))

I'm fairly consistent at 17+ wins during the weekend. This weekend was 19 (I actually started 3 games playing a different deck). I've been playing since July last year. Mainly, you see me on Hive so much because I'm a mod and curator.

Ah! Makes sense, thanks for taking the time to answer:) Consistently going 17+ must have netted you quite the collection, huh?

I've only been competing in mythic for ~6 weeks or so. I went the F2P route for a long time before deciding to spend money on the game. I focused on buying one good deck I could use each weekend, and that seems to have paid off for me.