When hard work becomes harmful

in Cent6 months ago

I have seen a lot of people who are work so hard that they turn into workaholics. I am one of them but that's a story for another day. But if you are like us then you might be able to relate to this post to an extent.


Someone who loves to build things will be caught dedicating more time and hours to work on these things more than anyone that they know. You might be someone who loves to get more done and if you are not doing more, you do not feel as though you've done enough. The feeling of accomplishment will be far from unless you take on more tasks and responsibilities.

The people around you might wonder how it's possible for you to do these things. They might think that it's because you are talented or even better wired than the rest of the people around you.

It might shock them to find out that this is not true and it's mostly because you allowed yourself to think doing more equals being productive. In your tiny mind and built-up ideals, you are clearly thinking this is a good thing and that doing too much is your strength and you feel good about that.

The problem is you were not taking the time to see that this is not true and that burnout is real. Even when you experience burnout, you might start thinking it's possible you are just being lazy and that if you forge ahead, you will be able to get passed it and win.

Until reality hits you. You fall sick. You experience burnout. And all of these came as a result of not having enough rest. You must have been laughing at those health practitioners who advised you to take enough rest and to get 8 hours' worth of sleep. But here you are bedridden for a while and the work you cared so much about that you lost your health stares at you in the face and you couldn't even lift a finger to do it.

I understand. I have been there.

Thank goodness that when I finally realized the way I was thinking about work was messed up, it wasn't too late. I knew right there and then that if I didn't give myself space to rest, I won't be able to do the work I loved so much with ease.

There's something else that I learned and I believe you must know. The reason why you prioritize working and doing more so badly until you feel sick is because you do not have any work ethic. I didn't. And I am ashamed to say that I am mad at myself for living like that.

Not having the discipline, or the willpower to set boundaries around your work is the reason why you and burnout are 5&6. The strength you used to have as a young person is certainly not there anymore and if you think you can mess with biology and go scott free then I advise you to think again. The worst part is if you now have a family to support and you do not realize you will be drawn in different directions so you may need to slow down.

It is important for you to know now that when your body asks you to stop, you need to listen. There's nothing wrong with trying to push past the boundaries when you shouldn't. If you rest enough it will do you a lot more good because you will have a clear perspective on how to take your work to the next level. These ideas do not pop up when you are stressed out so badly that you look almost like death.

Take it from someone who just got back from hell, rest is important. The best gift you can give your body is to rest enough.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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