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RE: Lego Ideas and November PUD Guessing Contest winners announcement

in Toys on Hive β€’ 2 years ago

About Logo, sorry I have no idea about it
About the November PUD Guessing Contest: Again, I know that I failed πŸ™„ My bad !! Always failed to guess the right thing πŸ˜† I will definitely keep participating in this challenge until I guess correctly at least once

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I was just teasing you @trangbaby πŸ˜‰, it's all about participation and engaging, that's the most important thing, but yes, please do pop by again for the next one

Sure @livinguktaiwan 😍
Oh yeah, I just crossed my friends' profiles and saw that they had the badge from "hivefromhive". I entered the contest but I didn't receive the badge yet :))
Could you please check it for me? Much appreciated it
(Although I am not sure what the badges are for, I am happy to collect more badges for myself πŸ˜†)


I started following everyone who made a Hi From Hive posts the other week, and by the time I got to Asia the account ran out of RC πŸ˜…. Then I forgot to go back in to finish off the job after the RC recovered.