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RE: Ask the Hive: If you could go back in time, what would you tell your newbie self about your Hive journey?

in Ask the Hive3 years ago

I would have told myself absolutely nothing.

My journey before Hive and now was and is an evolution over time. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Without it all it would have changed thing in unpredictable ways and the hard lessons you need to learn yourself not just be told about them would never have happened.

Hive is a messy pot of mac and cheese on the stove. Tastes great but you got let the noodles cook and the butter to melt with the cheese once the noodles are done boiling. Trying to skip the boiling to just mixing in butter, cheese and the uncooked noodles is not a fun way to go.

If I had to start over as if it never happened I would hope I would go the same route when I first started before we turned into Hive.

  1. Make friends with other noobs and share information with each other.
  2. Comment loads.
  3. Don’t think much about the rewards.
  4. Experiment with different content till you find your voice.
  5. Do things regardless if others are or not.
  6. Do your best to find information without it always having to be spoon feed to you.
  7. Always be learning something new.

Excellent advice. Good strategy.