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RE: What do you think would happen if all "formal" abuse fighting services stopped?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago (edited)

Perhaps you interpret what you read differently. We didn't gradually increase the numbers of policemen from 1700 to 1900. We did periodically dramatically improve technology. By 1900 ordinary citizens had repeating rifles, and the great Colt .45. These were much better mechanisms for providing security than flintlocks, and our security improved dramatically, as the highlighted text reveals.

The next paragraph points out exactly what happened after American started putting cops on the streets - crime rose dramatically. The imposition of cops into more and more areas of our lives, and particularly The War Against Treatment (TWAT) begun by Nixon and hugely exacerbated by Reagan in the '80s, is revealed in the rapidly increasing prison population.

What I said was:

"Before 1900 we didn't have a lot of cops. People knew they needed to provide their personal security, so competent people did. Criminals didn't have many available defenseless victims to prey on, so there weren't many criminal predators.

"But when cops started being put on the streets, people quit providing their own security, and criminals had more potential defenseless victims. Crime rates skyrocketed."

Pretty much what your selected text says.

During WWI and WWII American men, most of the supply of potential criminals, were taxed by war, and weren't as available to commit predatory crimes. Only after WWII did both cops on the streets lull people into a false sense of security and a nominal supply of criminals coincide.

Edit: I will just add that today, wherever there are the most cops with the most power, you will find the most crime impacted societies.


Whatever narrative suits you.

Words have meaning. Are you trying to say that after 1900 the source you cite doesn't state, as I did and do, that crime rose dramatically?

This coincided with more folks in blue uniforms and fewer people packing heat.

Cops cause crime.

Are you a cop? Never thought about your nick before. I suppose my comment would be extremely offensive to a cop. If so, there is a way to resolve our antipathy: get a real job instead of beating up old people on the street.

Aren't you the "intellectual" (who make lots of assumptions about others).

Not interested in having conversation with your kind. Too many of those on Hive.

Really makes this place attractive.

Huh. You're the one who cited proof of my statements.

You people that project onto others the statements of the voices in your head can just go ahead and talk to them instead of me. I'm sure they say what you are interested in hearing.

Yeah, just don't about breaking private properties.
