Parental Karma: Tools

in The Man Cave11 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to laugh at what has just occurred that has bitten me! Not knowing where my tools are!


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Parental Karma: Tools

I wanted to laugh a little bit about something that is quite ironic. The little man has gotten an affinity for stealing some of my tools! This one hits home for me pretty well because one of my favorite things as a kid was getting into my dads tools! He's got all kinds of tools, some of them really old and many of them cool but well used. I would occasionally get into some of the other tools, the things that he uses every day for work or needs to use them at specific times. Of course when I was a kid, I wouldn't do the most important thing: put it back!!


I wonder if this behavior is just normal to young boys because this absolutely came back to bite me in the ass recently hahaha. My son loves to get into my toolbox when I'm not looking and grab a couple tools! I can't blame him because he absolutely loves using tools to do various things in his imagination. He builds all kinds of things with the scrap pieces of wood that are around the house, especially after we've been building something together. This means though, that he often takes them and moves to a different part of the house and doesn't tell me what tools he took! Fast forward a few days, weeks or months later and when you are going to be building something, fixing something or using the tools for a job you don't remember or realize that the little fingers took something you needed and didn't put it back!


Ah this was quite the dose of karma for me. I remember doing this all the time to my dad and feel bad about it now. He kept his cool sometimes but sometimes he did get pretty heated because he was at a job and didn't have a very specific tool so he had to go out and get a new one lol oops! :D the good part about that, for me at least, is that often times that tool that he needed to go out and get, ended up replacing the one that I had so that tool became my own! Smart move, although a little expensive for the wallet sometimes. Give them the tools so that you don't have to lose them to them taking it lol.

With my toolbox, there are all kinds of things that I've collected over the years and some of it is literally junk but the thing about tools and the gadgets and gizmos that come with it: the week after you get rid of something is exactly when you'll need it hahaha then you'll have to go out and get another one! That's a real pain in the ass for sure. I do have the added benefit though of having all of this crap in my toolbox. That crap turns into the little man's treasure! He loves getting a new tool or two from my toolbox and especially when I say that he can have it. It serves a few purposes there for sure: clears up room in my toolbox and it also gives him something to occupy his time for a while, and leave the other tools in my toolbox alone and in the correct spots haha.

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This should improve in the coming weeks and months though, as I've bought the little man his very own toolbox from the hardware store. I actually regret the one that I bought him because it's a little too small! He's already filled the thing hahaha. He's had a bunch of tools that we would randomly buy from the dollar store like a pair of cheap pliers, a tape measure and some screw drivers among other things. This means that the tool box now already has minimal space left for the real things that he'd like to put in it. Damn! Now I need to get another tool box.. can't ask me twice to go back to the hardware store though :D. I've got a little partner in crime when it comes to shopping around the store though that's for sure! The top of my list for tools to get him in the coming weeks is definitely a carpenters square! He steals mine all the time hahaha I need to correct that and get him his own.

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Hahaha.. it's payback time!

What I remember when I was a kid, I also love going through my mom's stuff. For some reason, I would always open her wardrobe and check her jewelries, even documents I do not understand!

I was going to ask how old your son is. I think kids generally have a thing with tools and sometimes it's more of a fun experiment to them than the real deal hahaha.