My Sketch Book : Red fox, vulpes vulpes ...

in Sketchbook4 years ago (edited)

This is my afternoon sketch from today.

A Red fox .... while Lola naps


These are my Steps...

Step 1 : draw outline of red fox on the page


Step 2: Add details and shading


Step 3: Add shadows and layers of fur


Step4: Darken shading and shadows to give shape and form




Nice drawing. Well done!

Thank you very much ....

I saw one of these guys the other night scavenging around the neighborhood.
He has to compete with the raccoons and skunks for people's garbage bins.

They are around here too.... along with coyotes and wolves .... skunks and Racoons.... all looking for food. ... bandits

You have wolves yikes... We have pretty tame coyotes down here, though the worst they can do is eat people's pets.

And big Black bears and Mosquitoes.

Love it @offgridlife but you know me, I love any animal art and foxes are always inspiring. I need to join in on sketch saturdays or @sketchbook or whatever.

Awesome .... see you in the sketchbook Group...

This is my Ink Doodle from this morning: Timelapse Video showing my ink sketching process.

This is my sister’s puppy .... Teddy the Double Doodle.

Teddy loves chasing tennis balls at the cabin and digging in the sand at the beach.

I am doing some experiments with Music. Let me know if you prefer Jazz or Ukulele.

With Jazz:

With Ukulele: