Trippy Thursday - The Nematode

in Sketchbook6 months ago

Here is a strange ballpoint pen drawing for this #trippythursday

A huge squishy nematode has been discovered in a muddy alleyway.

This one seems to evolving eyes. After a few more generations it will have good enough sight to start hunting.

It has a sharp blade-like mouth for eating almost anything.

It eats metal, plastic, dirt and anything else that might fall within its chomping path. This requires quite a bit of stomach acid to work.

It accidentally ate a pea and the protein inside the pea didn't agree with it... now the nematode is sick.

Fortunately in evolved two vents to expel things that cause a stomach upset. It can poop it out twice as fast. As it crawls around eating everything in its path it leaves behind a huge trail of crap in the form of lithium. This must be the real reason everyone is pushing electric vehicles...

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


The nematode that laid the golden EV egg 😂

If they get out of control it will be a gray goo situation.

"gray goo" once again you are educating me. Interesting to google that one up

Its a fun but terrifying concept in nanotech.