View of the Krueng pasei river

in OCD4 years ago

The view of the Krueng Pasei river is a river that never dries up, this river is located on the edge of Mount Geurudong Pasai under the mountain and there is a roundabout branch that flows directly into the Krueng Pasai river, and these rivers are some examples from Aceh that can be used for tourists in because this place is being rehabilitated by generations of educators

The Krueng Pasei River looks so many natural stones, from the big ones to the smallest ones, and the beauty of its extraordinary location with green leaves, it is truly extraordinaruy.

This river often floods when it rains because there are mountains and agricultural land around it, so you can see the natural stones scattered around this area like the picture we attach below.


The small river is a reservoir for rainwater that flows into the Krueng Pasee river.




The flowing water looks very beautiful with riverside views with natural rocks. If this place is used as a tourist spot, it will likely be very crowded with foreign tourists.




This flowing river is the result of our research based on the cleavage of mountain rocks and some say that the rising water comes from springs that come out of the mountains so that the water in this small river never dries up, there is water always flowing.

Currently we are arriving at a place where the branches of the water flow into the Krueng Pase river, but the information given from the community and farmers says that no one knows the origin of the Krueng Pase river, the picture we show is water flowing there Krueng Pase Roundabout and we have also traced into the mountains but we have never found the origin of this Krueng Pasai.

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