Drawing myself!

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

Hi there, who are reading and my friends to be-I hope. To make friends, as been told, we need to introduce ourselves but I don't think that idea suits me. Introducing, to me, is roughly a giving information process, you might know my name, my age, my nationality, my occupation or even my marital status but after all, really? Is that me?-A name is never enough to tell or know about someone, so I guess I have to describe me more than that.
I like drawing, through lines, shapes and colors without a words, a picture can catch your eyes, evoke your feelings and recall your memories. Is that so cool and incredibly beautiful? Therefore, instead of giving you some ordinarily boring information about me, I would love to draw myself to you, to show you my true color and welcome you to my "frame".


Well, I am thin straight lines, square shapes with blue color. Through building and losing quite some of my precious relationships, I have been learning to sincerely express myself, I always try to be genuine to people around me about how feel, what I think in a as much gentle way as I can. One cannot be trusted without being true. I used to be so frank, cruelly frank, that I didn't care about other's feelings whether they will be sad or hurt. I was quite confident about my sharp language using skills and believed that there is no way better than being straightforward. Until I made more than one of my beloved ones cry then I realized it might not necessary to let someone know the truth by stabbing it through their hearts. Let them know but show them love, that is what I am trying to follow. Just like those thin straight lines, people still figure out where they are going,yet, not cutting the pictures.


More than any types of shapes, I like square shapes just as I like equality and fairness; the shape that you can perfectly put a circle in it or device it into many more square portions without being biased. Would it be so great if we can also treat people that way, show our kindness to every one at the same level. I know it is not an easy battle to be "that" kind. However, I am trying. Once, I went to a meditation, the master made a wish for everyone, he said: " I wish that we can see the reality as square as it is:good or bad. So, here I am, praying God to help us all to be "square".

And why blue? Skies-unlimited, natural and inspiring.
After a tiring day or a struggling time, if I could, I usually lie down on the grassy ground at the park near my house,look at the enormous sky above to see how small I am, to think about the endless stream of life from millions of million years ago. Where is the ending point? We will never know, so keep going as much as I can, keep going.
Well, that is a picture of me. Of course, I can be more detailed but who tells the whole life in one sit (and who has enough time to listen the whole long thing) so I hope I have just sketched myself, warmly and clearly enough to be friends with you.
I am Ann by the way, nice to meet you!


Welcome annvu!
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Welcome Ann :). An introduction can come in all forms and shapes so even this one says something about yourself. Enjoy the time exploring this ecosystem and as long as you are yourself you will find your way around here.

@bulldog-joy you are right, just enjoy ourselves and let things go the way it is :x

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😘😘 Welcome Sis Ann to Hive

Thanks @winnietran :)

😘 waiting to read more posts from you Sis

Hi Ann (without an E) 😆, I'm so glad you're here, we have a place to catch up and learn more about others.
Love your intro, very soothing and poetic! miss you so much sis 🤗

hey @sunnyvo you know what, we both love drawing, music and now writing. Miss you badly as well as miss your carrot cakes. <3 <3

Welcome to the Hive fam, cô giáo. It's been a while we haven't met each other. Miss you 😍
It is great to finally have you on Hive as I have been waiting for you
Omg I 'm so excited and can't wait to check out your upcoming posts
Love Love Love

thanks for your support, @trangbaby you have a talent of connecting people, maybe that's your positive energy which spreads to us. Miss your smile dear!

Saludos @annvu, gracias por compartir tu post a través de un Auto retrato en el que defines tu personalidad actual desde tu perspectiva, bien por eso.

gracias @lopez0611 mucho gusto!

It has been long my dear friend. So good to see you here.

I love how you express yourself in thing straight lines, square shapes with blue colour. What a great and simple way to tell us about you. And the drawing you made is beautiful.

Like you, I am also trying to seeing good and bad, negative and positive in things. I agree it is not easy because our old habits. However, by understanding it and practicing it, I started seeing changes in myself. With the same situation like before, instead of ending up annoying and grumpy, I ended up with a smile, a smile of a student who learn the lessons.All the best my dear. Hope you have fun in Hive

high-five @dora381 you are always my girl. Love ya!

@annvu i liked your unique way to say hi and introducing yourself on ocd, most of the time the words are empty sounds that nothing know about us. hope read more about your passage through here!!

yes, of course we appreciate the meanings of words, but they need to be used at a right time with a right way aye? Nice to know you @majo77

Welcome annvu, chào mừng bạn gia nhập team hivevn nha

hi, thanks :) nice to be here with you guys