I don't support people who STILL posts on steem!

in OCDlast year

I don't support people who STILL posts on steem!

On March 3, 2020 I wrote this post trying to rally original users to vote for the original publicly selected top 20 witnesses right after Justin Sun tried to hijack the steem blockchain. That was a historial event. Probably the best short summary is written by none other than Vitalik Buterin in an artcile titled "The Most Impostant Scarce Resource is Legitimacy".



mind you some of the projects listed here by Vitalik lost its shine (while others are thriving!), as it was written in March 23, 2021, please excuse Vitalik for that!

In early 2020, Justin Sun bought Steem-the-company, which is not the same thing as Steem-the-blockchain but did hold about 20% of the STEEM token supply. The community, naturally, did not trust Justin Sun. So they made an on-chain vote to formalize what they considered to be a longstanding "gentleman's agreement" that Steem-the-company's coins were held in trust for the common good of Steem-the-blockchain and should not be used to vote. With the help of coins held by exchanges, Justin Sun made a counterattack, and won control of enough delegates to unilaterally control the chain. The community saw no further in-protocol options. So instead they made a fork of Steem-the-blockchain, called Hive, and copied over all of the STEEM token balances - except those, including Justin Sun's, which participated in the attack.

The reason I brought this up today is the fact that even after two plus years there are individuals who still post of both blockchain for rewards. Granted some are new, and may not to be aware of the history. However, there are still a whole lot of people out there who still regularly posting on both chain just for maximizing rewards and they are legacy steem user, just like myself. Some are here longer than I have, pre-2018 even!! We must make the new people aware and give legacy people an ultimatum.

I won't supprt them

As a community we shouldn't support them.


We can't control free will. So we can't 'ask' people not to post on steem. However, we can make a stance of not supporting them. I certainly can as an individual.

My reasoning is quite simple. In 2020 the compnay that owned steemit, the website, (not the blockchain) attacked the steem blockchain (at the time) which was public and owned by the community (a precursor of current hive community). It tried to sell the blockchain and it's users. When that failed, it essentially hacked the blockchain to steal it from the community (us) who had their assets in the blockchain. It essentially stole assets worth millions of dollars (what currency to use here?). To save our assets and our digital home, the community created hive as a hardfork. Steemit Inc is a company now owned by Tron. They have locked and stole many accounts. We never know if they will lock and steal again which is why I personally do not support any use of that blockchain.

Over the years many linkages have been but by various segments of the community and leaders. This is my person pledge.

No more!

I don't support steem users anymore. I hope other individuals and curation projects join this movement.





I don't support or encourage anyone to keep using Steemit. But I do get that with the economy now lots of people want to double-dip and keep farming Steemit while they can. It's not optimal as that still gives Steemit extra transactions, volume, page views and all that but that aside, its at their own risk.

That's not the case for people who are willingly set themselves up as some sort of ambassadors or group leaders in Steemit. That's where we get into malicious intent because what those people are doing is basically entrapping and tricking new users. Steemit isn't what it was when it was decentralized. It's a private blockchain. When someone openly encourages some random person who happened to stumble on it to post and invest they're outright deceiving them for the pure cocaine profit of Justin Sun and his lackies. No one knows what accounts will be locked next and whose funds stolen. It's like those types who sell MLM. They are fucking over another human being for a few bones their overlords throw at them in the form of votes.

Lots of people on Hive disagree with one another but during the hostile takeover, a '51% attack' on a DPOS protocol, those different people came together and first tried to save Steem and then built Hive. This was a fight against theft, fraud, and criminality. Justin Sun thought he was buying people's accounts, their work, their businesses (the dapps). He didn't get what he paid for because you can't sell something that belongs to someone else and just expect it to go well. So when I see people who openly support, with full knowledge as when you're gifted some leadership role there you're not just some random, the indoctrination of new users into that trap its a whole different matter. That's not being a bystander in a crowd who did nothing out of self-preservation. That's being one of the attackers.

Any Steemit pseudo employee working for the scraps thrown at them can turn right around and go back to licking Justin Sun's boots.

Seems to me that the community is interested in a public list of people who are still active in steem and still posts on hive.

Can such a public list be generated?

Yes but would need a functional Steem API, not sure if there's one. Steemit is all legacy abandonware. A bot hooked up to it would reveal it's IP address, although monitoring it would require technical skill. It would need to pull active posting/commenting accounts, make a database segmented by date range, and then compare against Hive's. Hive is easy to interact with, there are many ways to pull any list here. Steem has no infrastructure past bare bones that I know of.

Fully agree with you. The funny thing is, I still remember what I felt when the guy tried to take control of everything. I grew up in a system like that and couldn't never accept such thing.

I remember too well.
Two things, first people are asking for a list, that can be done, do we get it?

Second, can each of us and more importantly curators of projects start the #no-more movement?

Making a list manually is time consuming, but a good dev could do it easily, in my opinion.

For the second part, each curator and curator group has its own guidelines, but I'm not curating or encouraging any user that posts on the other chains to be curated and although I can only speak for myself, I'm not alone.

Yes I will ask a developer.

We can only speak for ourselves. That's how a movement starts.

Thank you! What you do is appreciated 🙂

I would love a list of dual posters... How would we know? Crazy, given the history.

We have some very good developers who can do it rather quickly :)

Just ask “into the blind”

I mean it's a free world bit what happened was pretty freaking traumatic and it's like rubbing salt into the wound.

We each get to decide where our votes should go. I don't even check if people are posting there, but I'm pretty sure most of those I support are not. I am aware of some who cross post to get maximum exposure and if they have something to sell (e.g. music) then I don't really blame them. I think Dtube can post to Steem, Hive and Blurt, but if you are not engaging with comments on Hive then you get less support from me. I'm not aware that those other chains are getting much development whilst Hive has lots going on. Is Sun actually doing anything with Steemit? I expect he's just embarrassed by the whole experience.

I would of course always encourage people to use Hive and will not chase good people away. I know we have a few 'exiles' who don't feel they can post here, but they may have made mistakes and upset people. We can each decide whether to forgive them. Grudges can eat away at you.

Let's just make Hive so good that everyone wants to be here.

We do control our vote. Therefore it is critical on how we do it. I am more concerned about curation programs and wish they are more diligent

Yes, some of them do not check that posts are even legitimate. It's the power/responsibility thing.

I'm totally with you on this issue, no one who posts on Steemit gets a vote from me either directly or indirectly if I had full control over things, which unfortunately I don't in some cases.

A list would be great, but I'm guessing many who still post there don't care about what happened in the past and they're probably not getting a lot of support on Hive anyway to make them care now.

I expect more individuals and curation programs to do take this stance

No support from me either... even at my own level :) It would be like feeding the beast that create the reaction, we need to focus energies..! In fact, I didn’t return on Steem a single time ^^

I feel you, but don't le the hate get over you. Push what you love, and don't look back.

I am full of love actually!

I have the community. I have my friends. I have you :)

I do support you. Let's not get distracted.

What if they sell Steem for Hive?

Every single bit of energy is unique.

I don't know, still seems farming to me. Also as an individual I can't verify.

I wish i had the list of these nefarious people!

Same thoughts here. I love the idea of riverflows. It would be fun to see the lists, no ban needed, just to make them aware that we know what they are doing.

not ban, but I will DV as I see fit

That would be great, will wait to see it.



Thanks so much for the update. This is the best way to make things clear to people. I love how you are so much considerate of Newbies or those who are yet to get across with the update.

I know of steemit too and i can say it’s been long I visited. But if I am clear with your write up. What you are trying to tell us is not to make posts using the steemit front end again rather we just stick to the hive front end. For all our posts would surely reflect on the blockchain.

It’s so amazing to know this kind of historical background had existed. Thanks for sharing.

OMG. This sounded really sick! Can't they be sued or something?!?!

How can we be sure that history doesn't repeat here??

May be publish a list of all who still post ?

I sometimes SHIT post words on that filthy chain, does that count?

I know you, you are not a farmer.

Better not to post over there though

@onealfa has done the same thing about two years ago(no longer supporting "dual posters". At that time he was the biggest whale in Leofinance(he probably still is) and he's stance inspired plenty to no longer dual post.

Personally, after Hive was created I have not touched Steem for a while, then I thought I could just milk the rewards pool for a while, but after a while, I simply had enough with Steem. Drained my wallet, logged out and that's it.

yet, there are still people post on both chain for farming rewards

Interesting... I don't know of anyone doing that, but these are probably users I don't follow.

I never supported anyone who still posts on Steem! I have your back.

During covid and because the world couldn't travel, I made (with my second account) a kind of daily contest "Let's travel inside with personal photos of travel places"
I found lately that the contest was fully running on steem mentioning my account lol some posting on hive and steem at same time, some just on steem

steem is mostly just farming now

It makes some time that I don't look at, not my problem... actually if I don't read the word steem I almost forgot that steem still exists

does that place still exist?

I think that juggling both hive and steemit would be boring. Posting the same posts in both platforms would just be too annoying.

Some people don't care as long as they can get a few cents. Sad.

I thought Hive is a tolerant blockchain, but that's not really a tolerant attitude, is it?

It should be more important what someone posts and not where or where else they post it. I would understand if you say that you don't vote if someone posts something here about Steem. But just because someone posts it on Steem to avoid him because of it is not right in my opinion.

I started here not quite 2 years ago and then after a while I posted my posts on Steem and Blurt as well. I'm trying to build up as much power as possible on all three Chains first. But maybe I would see it differently if I had significantly more HivePower like you have.

Maybe a 100% upvote a month from you would change my mind too. Do not take it seriously ;)

Hope the translation has no errors.


Ich dachte das Hive eine tolerante Blockchain ist, aber das ist nicht wirklich eine tolerant Einstellung oder?

Es sollte doch wichtiger sein, was jemand postet und nicht wo bzw. wo noch er es postet. Ich würde es verstehen wenn du sagst, dass du nicht votest, wenn jemand hier etwas über Steem postet. Aber nur weil jemand es auf Steem postet ihn deswegen zu meiden, ist meiner Meinung nach nicht richtig.

Ich habe vor noch nicht ganz 2 Jahren hier angefangen und nach einiger Zeit dann auch bei Steem und Blurt meine Beiträge gepostet. Ich versuche erst mal auf allen drei Chains so viel Power wie möglich aufzubauen. Aber vielleicht würde ich es auch anders sehen, wenn ich deutlich mehr HivePower hätte, so wie du.

Vielleicht würde mich ein 100% upvote im Monat von dir auch umstimmen. Nicht ganz ernst nehmen ;)

Hoffe das die Übersetzung keine Fehler hat.

Imagine you and your friends in your village spent many years building up a community restaurant. One day someone comes in to trash it, take it forcefully from you, turn it into a private restaurant and dictate how it should be run.

So you and your friends go elsewhere to start a new better and more successful community restaurant.

Why would you still go back to the old community restaurant?

DE (en below)

Dein Vergleich past leider nicht ganz. Es geht ja hier nicht um die Frage, wieso sollte ich (azircon) da wieder hingehen.

Sondern ist es dann legitim diejenigen nicht zu bedienen die dort auch hin gehen? Was wäre wenn Burger King keine MC Donalds Besucher mehr bedient?

Darum ging es eher.
Außerdem meine ich immer, das Konkurrenz das Geschäft belebt und wer weiß, ob Steem soweit wäre wie es Hive heute ist, wenn dass nicht passiert wäre.

Ich finde eben dann so eine Reaktion nicht wirklich besser als das was passiert ist. Wie gesagt, sollte es um den Inhalt eines Beitrages gehen und nicht wo es ggf noch gepostet wird.


Unfortunately, your comparison doesn't fit. The question here is not, why should I (azircon) go there again?

But is it then legitimate not to serve those who also go there? What if Burger King no longer serves MC Donalds visitors?

That was the point.
Besides, I always think that competition stimulates business and who knows if Steem would be as far as Hive is today if that hadn't happened.

I think that such a reaction is not really better than what happened. As I said, it should be about the content of a post and not where it may still be posted.

Burger King and McDonald started off as two independent businesses, one did not forcefully take over another and trash the original business.

Justin Sun didn't build Steemit, he stole it from the community by locking up a lot of stake that belongs investors.

Mein Beispiel passt dennoch besser als deins.

Dann nimm irgendwelche Autohersteller, da wirst du ein passendes Beispiel sicherlich finden oder Apple und Samsung

Und du hast richtig festgestellt, dass es Justin Sun war. Nicht die User, die hier quasi dafür bestraft werden sollen.

Ich finde so eine Einstellung ist eher negativ und schadet der Community.

Und wie gesagt, wer genug Power hat der hat leicht reden.


And you correctly stated that it was Justin Sun. Not the users who should be punished here quasi for it.

I think such an attitude is rather negative and harms the community.

And as I said, who has enough power that has easy to talk.

Guess who benefits the most when Steem goes up? Not the users active on it who earns a few bucks, but Sun who stole from the community. The active users are just helping a thief to make more money.

Perhaps you think it's fine to help a thief make more money, that's certainly not what people on Hive think.

Is it going up?

Why should it go up only because i post there? If i post there and will once in the future sell it, it would go down and not up.

So who will win then, and who will loos?

I will win and sun will lose!

Tolerating criminals is a crime

So you think i am criminal because i post on steem?

You support criminals or getting support from them :)

Than it doesnt matter, i get votes from user who are here activ and i give them also votes like here.
So i support hive User and not someone else.

Thanks for the info man.. Just today someone told me about that and I had no idea as I am a newbie!

Also thanks for sharing the good ones!

Same i don't support does who still post on steemit even though I don't have a big voting mana.

Thank you so much for your support of my @v4vapp proposals in the past, my previous one expired this week.

I'd be really happy if you would continue supporting my work by voting on this proposal for the next 6 months:

Additionally you can also help this work with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.

Does that also apply to Hiveian, who also posts on Blurt? Sorry for my coming late.

Oh this turns out to be the case. why doesn't my every post on hive get any more support from @curangel. I just read it. I admit that I'm still posting on steemit. But I rarely do that. Only occasionally. After being told by my friend @akukamaruzzaman that that's the problem. From now on, I stop posting on steemit and I focus more on creating content on hive. To be honest, I did that because I wanted to earn money in steemit. Yes, of course with the results of my content creator.

@azircon Is there still a chance for me to get curation from @curangel?