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RE: Content with Trash and Treasure

in OCD3 years ago

I like looking at and also taking pictures. As I have mentioned before I think you do a very nice job on your pictures and it is always refreshing to see people take that extra step in their post. I somewhat remember one of your two in one post, a photo type essay of I believe it was cherries, and then the words which really had no connection other than a slight mention of the cherries.

A picture may paint a thousand words, but a person real good with a thousand words can paint a hundred pictures or more.

I do not post to often, but the stuff I like to consume on Hive is stuff that is not readily available elsewhere. I like the uniqueness of a lot of Hive content.


a photo type essay of I believe it was cherries, and then the words which really had no connection other than a slight mention of the cherries.

I like the juxtaposition between images and content, where there might be a loose tie, but it isn't obviously suited. It is much like the titles of my posts. They tell what the post is about - in a very obtuse way :)

I hate those, "This post is about this and this" titles. But, many seem to like to click on those...

I have often thought that people ignore the importance of the post title. It is the first thing many see, if it is ordinary or plain and no style to it, is the post really worth reading? The title doesn't need to be a click-bait title but it does have to have some draw power to it.