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RE: The value of content

in OCD2 years ago

Do we have wise accounts on hive? ;-)

In my opinion those real outside influencers mostly will not like HIVE? Arent they used, to stand on a podest, having their followers adoring them? But on HIVE everything is different, to some point even the smallest plankton has the same worth than the biggest fish.
I also thought, wow would be cool if they bring all their followers, they could even reward their fans for commenting. It seems they live a different more ego driven lifestyle and the best of them probably dont care about a 100$ dollar reward on a single post as it's only once payed. "Outside" they can multiply this over a long time and dont see other benefits on long term.
For myself, hm. Still feeling like a newbie, I try to post daily to get seen. I read your post some time ago about the worth of content. This gave me a lot to think, is it really value I add? I dont know. Would appreciate your honest opinion!
Very strange is, whenever I do a post with lower effort, I see (if I dont count the big OCD or curangel votes) that I get much more people voting. Was wondering about. A meaningful post, putting all my time and heart - not much reaction. A relatively quickly written one, some nice photos not very meaningful - a lot of reaction?
My conclusion was: The low effort posts have shorter sentences, are easy to fly over the text. We (or I) dont have people who want to invest time in reading.