My introduction post on HIVE

in OCD3 years ago


Hello everyone in the Hive community. With great enthusiasm I make the first post with my presentation.

I got to know the Hive blog through one of my daughters, she had always told me about the interesting things that happened there, how she created content and described a bit of the world of cryptocurrencies. She helped me create my account where I hope to share my interests with all hivers, get to know a little more about me every day and I can also meet people with their interesting stories and skills.


My name is Betty, I live in Venezuela, I was born in the city of Maracaibo, Zulia state, in the West of the country. Zulia is an oil state with large deposits, it really is a very beautiful state with a culture that is quite different from the rest of the country.


When I was very young I went to live in the city of Caracas, which is the capital of Venezuela. There I met the love of my life, I got married and had two beautiful girls, they grew up, studied and graduated from the University in that city.


Since I was a little girl I liked crafts, I did many courses in painting on canvas, on glass, ceramics and wood, also embroidery and jewelry.


I am currently living on the Island of Margarita, in the eastern part of the country, I came to this place a few years ago to live my golden years. I love the Island, it is very pleasant and has beautiful beaches, there are always things to do. I have a two-year-old granddaughter who is my life and adoration, I spend a lot of time with her and she is my motivation to do many things.


Besides doing crafts I love cooking, trying to prepare new recipes and making delicious desserts. One of my favorite hobbies is taking pictures, living on the island allows me to capture beautiful landscapes.

I hope that with this first post you can get to know me a little. Thank you for taking the time to read about me. I leave you a cordial greeting.

All photographs are from my personal archive


Hola a todos en la comunidad de Hive. Con mucho entusiasmo hago el primer post con mi presentación.

Conocí el blog de Hive a través de una de mis hijas, ella siempre me había contado de las cosas interesantes que alli encontraba, de como creaba contenido y me explicó un poco del mundo de las criptomonedas. Ella me ayudó a crear mi cuenta donde espero compartir con todos los hivers mis intereses, conozcan cada día un poco más de mi y yo también pueda conocer personas con sus interesantes historias y habilidades.

Mi nombre es Betty, vivo en Venezuela, nací en la ciudad de Maracaibo, estado Zulia, en el Occidente del país. El Zulia es un estado petrolero con grandes yacimientos, de verdad es un estado muy bonito con una cultura que se diferencia bastante al resto del país.

Cuando era muy joven me fui a vivir que la ciudad de Caracas que es la capital de Venezuela. Allí conocí al amor de mi vida, me casé y tuve dos hermosas niñas, ellas crecieron estudiaron y se graduaron de la Univerdidad en esa ciudad.

Desde que era una niña me gustaron las manualidades, hice muchos cursos de pintura sobre tela, sobre vidrio, cerámica y madera, también bordados y bisuteria.

Actualmente estoy viviendo en la Isla de Margarita, al Oriente del país, me vine para este lugar hace ya unos cuantos años a vivir mis años dorados. A mi encanta la Isla, es muy agradable y posee hermosas playas, siempre hay cosas que hacer. Tengo una nieta de dos años que es mi vida y adoración, con ella paso mucho tiempo y es mi motivación para hacer muchas cosas.

Además de hacer manualidades me encanta cocinar, intentar preparar nuevas recetas y hacer ricos postres. Uno de mis hobbies favoritos es tomar fotografías, vivir en la isla me permite capturar lindos paisajes.

Espero que con este primer post puedan conocerme un poco. Las doy las gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer sobre mi. Les dejo un cordial saludo.

Todas las fotografías son de mi archivo personal


Bienvenida sra. Betty
Me alegra que se uniera... y aquí estamoa a la orden! 💚💚💚

Gracias @tahiaarq por la bienvenida, saludos

Welcome betty20!
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Thank you😀

¡Hola! Bienvenida a Hive 😃

Hola, Muchas gracias ❤️

Hola bienvenida!

Hola, muchas gracias, saludos

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Hello @betty20! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

It's also best to subscribe to Communities you like and share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience. Or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

Thank you