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RE: Hook, line and thinker

in OCD4 years ago

The process of dumbification is so slow that this must be a reason why some don't realise what they are doing to their mind. You did a great comparison with the added weight!

I recently started to keep a journal, it is definetely an interesting thing. I shall see where it leads me.

Having the Hive blog is almost like a journal too, I agree on this. It feels so good to spread the thoughts on this white canvas and have others put their quality input into it as well. For me it has been one of the best blogging experiences I ever had. I can see it has been the same for you😊



You did a great comparison with the added weight!

I use examples I know! ;D

I recently started to keep a journal, it is definetely an interesting thing. I shall see where it leads me.

Maybe it will lead to new ideas for Hive.

I can see it has been the same for you

pretty much the only blogging experience I have ever had. I am kind of like someone who married their first love without knowing any other.

I will surely get ideas lol. Since I discovered you Taraz I found your writing to always be inspiring. You have a talent in speaking your mind and getting to the point in a way that makes reading you very relaxing and also thought provoking. The last part I like the most about any writing style which has that rare quality on a blog.


Thank you for the kind words

makes reading you very relaxing and also thought provoking.

This is what I have hoped. I know I write a lot, but I hope it is an easy read while still being useful. =)

I find it very useful😊

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