Fungi: Don't Have To Be Arrogant, Just Live & Be Worthwhile

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

This month, the sky here is always seen with dark clouds and rain. The dark clouds seemed a sign of sadness, and the rain became tears of it. Even the rain is still awaited by all life on earth but sometimes becomes a flood disaster because we are not able to maintain its balance. We have cut down the trees that we have relied on to comfort the rain and restrain its anger, and day by day the mountains full of trees have been turned into buildings. We should learn a lot from this catastrophic event. Hopefully.

We know, among the lives that wait for the rain are Fungi. This plant in general can grow anywhere, no matter how dirty the place is, in a forest far away or maybe a place closest to you, your body can also become a place for fungi to grow. Yes, that's it, fungi can thrive anywhere. Because of these characteristics, some of us may think that fungi are a kind of parasite. But this time I did not discuss mushroom anatomy scientifically because I do not have expertise in that field. I just want to start this article by looking for an interesting philosophy to accompany your eyes in seeing the beauty of the photos I got today.

The Importance of adaptation

The first thing I can relate to fungi is how important it is to adapt. As I said before, fungi can grow anywhere and you will often find fungi growing in old wood, piles of garbage, between rocks, and damp places. This unique adaptation is what makes fungi so special.

Each of us has experienced difficulty adapting to a new environment, either because we are not used to it or maybe because of our inability to accept differences. In fact, the differences have existed for a long time, but the development of adaptability is often hindered because of our ego. Fungi do not know the ego, even the adaptability of the fungus continues to be developed according to time, place, and conditions. Each of us should also be able to adapt because the ability to adapt has become a natural behavior of humans.

When dirty becomes an indicator of a person's habits.

The second correlation I can tell from fungi is the importance of cleanliness. We can't deny that fungi often live in unfavorable, unclean, and humid places and even their presence can damage things around them. The destiny of fungi naturally is like that. Even for fungi that are not useful, without a doubt, we will try to get rid of them.

In correlation with the state of the fungus in a person's daily life is how he is able to always maintain cleanliness and not leave the slightest space and place for fungi to thrive. This is important because cleanliness keeps disease away and cleanliness produces health.

In the modern concept, one's cleanliness is an indicator of one's acceptance to be able to get a job, and even in extreme cases, one's cleanliness is an indicator of social assessment. How important it is for a person to maintain cleanliness is the inverse correlation of the teachings that fungi impart to humans.

Don't be arrogant and be independent

The last correlation, fungi are independent but not arrogant. What does that mean? Yes, in the theory of the source of life, the existence of the sun is considered one of the sources of life. Humans, animals, and plants need sunlight. All substances, energy, and benefits of sunlight will support life itself. The dependence of every life on earth on the sun is very high, but not Fungi. Fungi actually do not need sunlight, because fungi have the ability to obtain nutrients from their own food.

So, basically, the last correlation of this fungus is very interesting. If we think of the sun as causing dependence on life, or the sun as boasting, then pride and dependence will not always continue. Never think of yourself as fully capable of meeting every need. Fungi seemed to say to the sun "I don't need your help because I can".

So, whoever we are, wherever we are today, there is NO REASON to be arrogant. We can think of the sun as the main center of the needs of life in the world, but in fact, Fungi as an organism does not need the sun.

Thank you for stopping by my blog, I hope for some corrections from you for being good content makers in the future, please feel free to comment below. Yups, this is my #originalcontent in the #ocd #community. God bless us

My warmest regard: @elchaleefatoe15
Smartphone Resource: Canon 800D
Location: Aceh, Indonesia


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Thank you @poshtoken. much appreciate it.

This is an interesting write-up. You have some good points here and good photos as well. I'm not sure if OCD is the right community for this post. I suppose it would reach the right audience in Self Improvement as that's the meaning of it in my opinion, but leave it here. Maybe consider Self Improvement next time.

Thank you for your appreciation and guidance to choose the right community @erikah. I also apologize for placing my post in @ocd community. Honestly, I only read about the explanations, terms, and rules in the left corner of this community. I shouldn't have thought the original post was in a general category, but the accuracy of the community selection was the perfect guide for me. Thanks again, I hope this isn't a bad note for me. Blessing.

No worries, we're here to help. This is kind of a borderline as it would fit in a few communities. But I wanted to suggest Self Improvement, which would be one of them and many don't know about it.

Let me know if you need more help, I have a few newbie guides that can help you.

Yay! 🤗
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