Time Vs Love -The Grandparents bond

in OCD4 years ago


Grandparent's love is a strange and powerful feeling.
Sometimes not so carrying and loving parents, let's say more "cold" characters become teddybears when the grandchild arrives. When humans reach a certain age the soul feels its lack of time and the need for love becomes bigger. Babies and little children are pure beings and they respond to love immediately.
So the bond between grandchildren and grandparents is very very powerful.
For the grandparents is also an opportunity not to repeat the same mistakes that they did with the children.

  • Not giving enough time
  • Having other priorities
  • Bringing home the stress from work
  • Trying to "buy" time with TV and Phones
  • Shouting and having low levels of patients

No, now they understand the unique feeling, the love a child must receive a wonder of taking this love back.
We parents must learn from this bond and try to apply the positives to our children doing the fewer mistakes possible.
After all, children need 2 things... Your time and your Love.