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RE: Nothing but a peep show!

in OCD4 years ago

Wow, thanks for this post, I always wanted to go do some bird-watching and this is perfect, bodies of water almost always hold the most variety on species and I wish I could have one near my city where I can watch som birb, this post I great, thanks again!


You are welcome, always happy to share my photos especially to those who may have difficulties getting this type of experience. Yes lakes and ponds are full of life, to be honest this isn't really anywhere that special either it's a city park, they just love going there year after year. We preserve our wetlands in my city to help wildlife maintain some territory in urban areas. There is a dog park too that have even more species but some of them don't always come out to play when too many people are around. The birds are actually quite friendly there too so they don't fly away when we visit them, some like to follow us around especially the geese and their babies.