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RE: The OCD community

in OCD4 years ago

Greetings, I would be honored to be a part of your healing team. I am an active curator, in the past (Steemit) I supported many nonprofit communities more than valuing good content and keeping the community up, many people know me as my healing work, they focus on content in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, as I can master such languages and my criteria can be very broad in terms of the type of publication, so I can say with propriety that I do not cure content that I like but I extend myself to all possible fields to support those who create excellent content.

I was part of La Colmena as a moderator and curator, as well as C-squared, some smaller than others, currently I am a curator at Curangel, for me it would be a pleasure to also belong to the OCD healing staff, I have my time, prestige and knowledge.

Whoever knows me knows that I am an honest person and free of vices.

I want to apply for curator in OCD.